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Planning a Marital Project: The Cost of Agreement. Being the Part Two of the Third Episode of In Search of the Queen Understanding God’s Dimension and Position in Search of Your Spouse Femi A. Falade

Planning a Marital Project: The Cost of Agreement. Being the Part Two of the Third Episode of In Search of the Queen
Understanding God’s Dimension and Position in Search of Your Spouse

Femi A. Falade

Please, can two walk together, except they agreed? (Amos 3:3). The answer is yes and no. It is yes if the two are purposelessly driven by wind of lust, affection and hope. In fact, it is more yessing if the two are two unknowns who are pursuing the unknown through the unknown in the unknown realms of human endeavours. It is even yes and if possible more “yesly” if the two are going in two different directions toward two different destinations with one accompanying the other. It is so sad today that, the answer has been yes for most young ladies and guys who find themselves in a dating appointment, dating they call it. 
It is no, however, if the two are born of God, of vision and of purpose. There is no amount of night vision or dream that can join you together, if there is no agreement, you cannot go together. If agreement in lacking in any matter, the matter is not a matter to consider as a matter to matter about. Agreement is so important in any endeavour in life. 
Agreement here is of two types; internal and external agreement. The internal agreement is personal and in most cases deep and unknown to anyone else. The lady said she don’t want you and you keep following, you have already agree in your mind to go with her. This kind of agreement is powerful. But friend, may I tell you that if such agreement lacks correct basis, it is the best disagreement in an agreeable way. This kind of agreement is proceeded by a positioning of the heart and an actionable steps. Habakkuk really displayed how this goes: 
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.  Hab. 2:1
Such agreement as we see from the text above, is a preparation that precedes progress. 
The second kind of preparation is external or mutual. It is between you and the queen or king you have dreamed of. This agreement is so important and the cost of it is very high. Both of you must have gone through the first type successfully; this will enable you to be properly set for the second. If you are both in the right minds as far as the first is concerned, the second is automatic. This kind of agreement existed between the Trinity. Nobody up till tomorrow can explain the kind of bond among the Trinity. God also respects agreement. Several places in the scriptures explain the credence God gave to agreement. The rebellion case in Gen. 11, the Ps. 133 analogy, the “whatever two of you shall agree on earth” in Matthew 18:19 are popular examples. 
Whether both of you have gone through the internal agreement stage or not, you must know the cost of the external agreement before you say, “I will follow you”.  God don’t join people at the altar, He joins you when you agree to go with each other. 
The cost of agreement is expensive and can be paid by God’s wisdom. It is simply a settled mind to endure, endure and endure to go on. Don’t forget both of you are coming from different background. Agreement will cost you to lose your ego and your so-called privacy and principle especially if such is not duality in nature. It will cost you time. It will cost you your most precious self. In short the cost of agreement is yourself. Both of you are sold out to each other. You cannot claim, “that is me” again. You will learn to accommodate “change”. It is demonic to say, “this is me, I cannot change”. That is the demon in operation. Although, Change is not the only constant thing, God’s word is, but change is always needed in anything. May God help us! Amen.
Once you agree to go with him or her, you will need to be lost and be found in the shape God has skillfully design for any desired happy family or home. Well, I discourage those who say, “let us date for some time and then, we will know if we will marry”. Whoever you don’t have the intention to marry, it is better you don’t date. You can be friends and in that process, you can take a broad study of his or her totality. Your agreement to go with him or her will cost you yourself. Are you ready?
Femi A. Falade
God bless you for reading this. Read the previous episode from

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