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N-Power Vs. K.E.E.P “The Spiritual Open-Secret” Part Two By Femi A. Falade

N-Power Vs. K.E.E.P

“The Spiritual Open-Secret”
Part Two

By Femi A. Falade


In the part one of this piece, God gave us grace to see that, his wish for us is that as believers, we are economically empowered through the KEEP. How do we walk in this reality? What are the rudiments to the life of economic empowerment? What are the keys for this principle? These part shall give us help on this.


The scripture that compels our FMRSD is close to our very heart and mouth. We must confess it every time. The arrangement of this words in Genesis chapter one and verse twenty-eight is deliberate by God-Inspired Moses. We must begin at the beginning.


Fruitfulness is a product of a seed sown. God is the seed giver and the “waterer” as we can observe from verse four of the chapter one of Genesis. He gives seeds to the sower. The availability of seed is not the problem, the planting and the fruiting is quite a major challenge that men have encountered overtime. The silence of the scripture about planting is because God had equipped us with all the equipment needed for planting and the fruiting so He said, be fruitful! 

This is the first stage. We must be fruitful. This has to do with engaging the materials provided by God for our fruitfulness. May you locate yours as I speak to you now through this piece. Amen.


The time of fruitfulness is not the time of abundance but a time of sufficiency. When you become fruitful, it is for you and your family. It takes the level of multiplication to make impact. Multiplication starts when we learn not to eat and merry our fruits only but to multiply them by multiplying our seeds at the planting time. 

Another way to multiply your fruits is to invest it in others- make impact. When that business boom, it needs reinvestment not distributing the profits. This stage is the second level in our kingdom empowerment programme. 


To replenish means to fill. The process of multiplication makes up the filling. Fill the earth with the multiplied fruits. This is the third ladder in the kingdom economic empowerment programme. This stage permits us to fill the earth. 

It gives rooms for borrowing to nations and making notable impacts on many destinies at the same time. Those who claim Christians are not to have excesses are to check the operation of this replenishing with their spiritual antennas.


The reason Christians are not subduing is because they have not fill the earth. Your fruitfulness is good but it does not qualify you for subduing nations, opinions, territories, reigns and powers. To subdue, we must move from the level of multiplication to filling the earth. Only few Christians operate in this stage in our current dispensation. 

Many people believe that, it is not meant for them, well, we live base on our perspective about life, so you are free. If we get the secret, we can get to this realm. Make a shift!

THE “D” 

On this ladder and finally, is the dominion. The result of subduing is dominating. As you subdue the agricultural territories, you dominate it. As you subdue the banking sector, you dominate it. 

As you subdue the media, you dominate it. Our domination in this economic empowerment programme is optional and positional and of course, is available to all. You are about to see the secrets (Part three)

Bless you!

Femi A. Falade

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