By Oluwaseun E. Olatoye (Nrs.)
There are diversity of spirits in the world today that are too numerous to mention while we are yet to know the existence of some. Many of these spirits are named after their numbers, For example, "My name is Legion for we are many" Mark 5:9.
Some are known by their function; Act 16:16.
Much more than these, their are some we don't even know except by the Spirit of God.
Fully aware of affinity of spirits for human body, we must be watchful. It is no longer a news to know the way these spirits gain access to the lives of Christians. They subtly enter consciously or unconsciously through the rigorous system of thinking in our hearts.
Many perverse spirit have put so many brethren in cage by making them express their strange nature. The selfishness that the sister will not leave has made these evil spirits gain ground. You wonder why a Christian brother wrath on little matters? Little little foxes that spoil the vine, those ungodly thoughts you pampered thinking you are safe will only land you in dangerous adventure you never bargained for. Those bad habits that have handcuffed you, you are too obsessed to stop, it is high time you subjected them to the mighty hand of God. 1 Cor. 10:4 " Casting down imagination and every thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thoughts into captivity to the obedience of Christ".
Dear reader, don't allow the outflow of the treasures of God in your earthly vessel to be corrupted! Shun every prideful thoughts, don't collaborate with that ungodly spirits that is ready to lure you to hell. Don't take sides with fallen angels, you are the temple of the living God. Devil is fighting the church hard, be that preserved generation. This is a caution to pilgrims on their way to the glorious land. Let the Lord trust you to be useful and effective vessel even as you progress.
Stay blessed!
Oluwaseun E. Olatoye, (Nrs.)
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