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(Excerpt from the book, BATTLE FOR THE PROPHETS By Prophet Femi A. Falade)

Writing to challenge ministers of God especially the prophets are seen as spiritual taboos since the bible has said, “touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm”. We have thus left the prophets with their “cups of teas” since they seems too big for mere men to address. I have grace by the prophetic grace bestowed on me to write this piece to the old prophets and in the next article which is the part two, to the young prophets. 

To the old prophets living in the 21st century world, we celebrate your prophetic grace! Let me say very clearly that, the old prophets are not old by their number of years of prophetic practices or callings or in prophetic ministry, but by the oldness, slackness and outdatedness of their prophetic mantle and altars. Many of them are out-of-date in prophetic things and have their anointing to prophecy exchanged for guess work. This is extremely sardonic. 

Old prophets, the time has come to find out what went wrong with your mantles and anointing in this prophetic journey. When you started, your visions are sharp, your insights are correct and the things you prophecy find expression by God’s Spirit in people’s hearts. Your word are not pampering the works of the devil and ungodliness but rebuking people of their sins and turning them back to God. 

Old prophets, when the call of the prophetic came upon you with those longsuffering, you showed a sign of readiness to endure and to do the will of God at all costs since the people does not love the truth but lies. You stood in the open to declare Jesus daring all the powers and principalities with the assurance of your right standing with God of which no demon can defeat. You stand in God who said, their righteousness is mine, (Is. 54:17d). How soon are those boldness and passion for God against the devil fading away because of your new decision to “apply wisdom” to spiritual things. Where are those signs and wonders you commanded in the days when your mantle was without blemish? 

Old prophets, where is the confidence in God against all forces that confront our Christian faith? Remember you are called to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem in our world. Why is there more contention between the things you believe and the things you confess in your preaching and prophesying? Is this how God gave you?

Old prophets, we thank God for many “sons and daughters of prophet” with you, but why do you take advantage of them as though God did not call them but you did? You promised God to raise a generation of true prophets and prophetess when He gave you the assignment, but now, the reverse is the case. Because of the secrets you kept, you have displayed to them as though prophetic ministry is a secret cult. Instead of directing their path in God’s way using the scriptures as a guide, you have set up your own “Ten Commandments” that they must obey if they know they are called into the prophetic ministry. Just like the Old prophets in 1Kings 13, you have misled the young prophets around you. 

When people come for counseling, you take advantages of them, why?  People are now kept in your custody as those God opened a prison yard in your church or “protection house”. By several prophetic lies, you have made many innocent believers and help-seeking, God-seeking and solution-seeking individuals victims of your old and rejected prophetic ministry. 

Old prophets, this is a letter sent from God through his distributor for your self-examination and repentance saying, "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. " Rev. 2:5. 

This is a day of repentance and salvation of your soul. Repent now and do the work of the Lord with fear and trembling. God counts on you!

Femi A. Falade the Prophet

(Watch out for the part two of this article titled, LETTER TO THE YOUNG PROPHETS by Femi A. Falade)

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