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Bishop David Olaniyan Oyedepo: the General and Apostle Of Faith of Our Time. The Making, the Secrets and the Lessons.

Bishop David Olaniyan Oyedepo: the General and Apostle Of Faith of Our Time.

The Making, the Secrets and the Lessons.

As our father in the Lord celebrates another fulfilling year in the land of the living today 27th of September 2016, I like us to recall his story for as many young minister who see little or no hope in the future of the work God has call them to do. His secrets will shock you.

If you pretend not to know him, you can't pretend not to hear about him. A man who is making impacts on millions of people around the world every second. A man with a strange anointing and strength. A man known for outstanding wisdom. When I look at him I wonder what are the composition of God's grace in him. Papa found grace, not the general one, but a specific, great and exceptional grace. 

Oh, this generation is blessed. Blessed by your birth on September 27, 1954. This blessings were in embryo. We did not see it happening in his early years because God took this Nigerian Christian author, preacher, the founder and presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church World Wide, also known as Winners' Chapel , and its affiliated international churches known as Winners Chapel International, with headquarters in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria, a father of father and papa of papa, my very own father, through a very humble background. 

Am talking about the presiding Apostle of Faith Tabernacle, a 50,000 seat church auditorium, reported to be the largest church auditorium in the world by the Guinness Book of Records.

God, who has better thing for this generation took him through a very humiliating background just as he did to our Lord Jesus Christ. Who would believe that this kind of Islamic family could produce an apostle of faith, a general in this generation.

Can anything good come out of this muslim family or state is no longer a question to be asked. God has provide the answer to the question inside the question itself. God took my father in the Lord through a slim way, he was born in Osogbo, Nigeria, but a native of Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria. 

This ever rugged apostle of greater faith was raised in a mixed religious family His father, Ibrahim, was a Muslim healer and his mother, Dorcas, was a member of the Eternal Order of the Cherubim and Seraphim Movement (C&S), a branch of the Aladura movement in Nigeria. How would God go into such family to bring a man that has enriched many destinies? God, you are great!

Probably that is why he was wise, wise like the ancients. He was raised by his grandmother in Osogbo, who introduced him to the virtues of Christian life via early morning prayers which she attended with him. She also taught him the importance of tithing. Grand mother of great insight. We are eternally grateful to you for your efforts to see this giant built up for the dilivery of this mandate today. Indeed, the footprint of this great woman in history is still very fresh upon him. When you hear him speak, you will know that he is full of wisdom. The area of tithing which is one of the greatest secrets of his prosperity in life and ministry was laid in that year. Old woman, you have left behind you light to many generations. You are great because you brought up the greatest. Please join me to observe a munite silence for her. Keep sleeping in God's bosom till we meet again. Love you with passion.

Be praised forever Lord. He took this apostle of faith who encounter Jesus in 1969 through the influence of Betty Lasher, his teacher during his high school days. Who could believe our father is a graduate of Architecture from the former Kwara State Polytechnic, now Kwara State University.

It will shock you to know that he has worked briefly with the Federal Ministry of Housing in Ilorin before resigning to concentrate on missionary work. That is dedication. Dedication. He is very committed to God's work.

We could predict his areas of passion. He had is Ph.D. in Human Development from Honolulu University , Hawaii, United State, this is simply because of his increasing passion for people. Hands cannot count the awards he has received according to the order of man. Yet I saw a great crown waiting for him in heaven. I remember his word when souls are greatly won "I am Fulfilling destiny".

His encourter with the Lord for ministry commission is quite unique. He received a mandate from God through an 18-hour vision encounter in May 1981:

Behold, the hour has come to liberate the 
world from all oppression of the devil through 
the preaching of the word of faith and I am 
sending you to undertake this task.

This mandate is sure and still speaking today. Father Oyedepo was ordained with mummy Faith Abiola Oyedepo on September 17, 1983 by (Daddy G.O) Pastor Enoch Adeboye, The Genera Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, and became pastors and officially commissioned the new church. Five years later, he was ordained as Bishop. Bishop of Faith. God of my father Bishop David Oyedepo still answers prayer.

Let me shock you with this. Papa is a prophet to the core. A strange dimention of prophetic delivery. An Apostle in the order of Paul. Great harvest and prophetic testimonies confirms this.

Bishop Oyedepo is the wealthiest preacher in the world today with a net worth of over USD $150 million, an author and publisher who has written over 70 titles apart from periodicals. He is the Chairman/Publisher of Dominion Publishing House (DPH), a publishing arm of the ministry. DPH has over 4 million prints in circulation to date. Through him, Covenant University, Hallmark University, Crown University (new), Faith Academy and Kingdom Heritage Schools have been established to equip the youth for global impact and this has been the testimony so far. 

The generational-impactful teachings of Papa has put him in the category of what is commonly called the Word of Faith Movement. He has referred to principal exponents of the Faith Movement such as Kenneth Copeland, Glori Copeland , the late Kenneth Hagin, E. W. Kenyon , T. L. Osborn, late Smith Wiggleswort as well as renowned Nigerian preacher Enoch Adeboye and the late Benson Idahosa as mentors.

Papa is the President of David Oyedepo Ministries International (DOMI). DOMI
is the umbrella organisation comprising Living Faith Church World Wide (a global
network of churches), World Mission Agency (WMA); the global missionary arm
of the church's operations, Dominion Publishing House; the publishing arm of the church, Covenant University, and the Social Development Missions projects (made up of
hospitals, maternity homes, schools, etc.

Papa has published over 70 Christian, inspirational and motivational books, mini books, magazines and other resources. Some of his authored books include:
Pillars of Destiny
Signs and Wonders Today
Anointing for Exploits
Understanding Financial Prosperity
The Healing Balm
The Force of Freedom
Walking in the Newness of Life
Exploits in Ministry
The Unlimited Power of Faith
Winning Prayer
Success Strategies
Breaking Financial Hardship
In Pursuit of Vision
Understanding Divine Direction
The Winning Wisdom
Understanding the Power of Praise
Releasing the Supernatural
Walking in the Miraculous
Anointing for Breakthrough
Understanding Vision
Towards Excellence in Life and Ministry
Success Systems
Understanding the Anointing
Exploits of Faith
The Blood Triumph
Satan Get Lost

David Oyedepo Day of Service (DODOS) Launched The DODOS is an initiative set up by the Covenant University Alumni Association with the aim to promote the contribution and value adding lifestyle of Bishop David O. Oyedepo. Started on the 27th of Sept. 2012, which also is the Bishop's birthday, people around the world who connect with this initiative are expected to show an act of contribution to individuals, organizations or the society at large.

Papa Marital Prosperity 

Papa was bleessed in 1982 with mama Florence Abiola Akano (now known as Faith). They were saw off to the altar as singles but left there as married. They are blessed with four children together (David Jr, Isaac, Love and Joyce). David Jr and Isaac Oyedepo were ordained as Pastors in May 2007 by Kenneth Copeland . David Jr formerly pastors the London Branch of the Church with his wife, Kemi but now the resident pastor of the Ministry's headquarters church (Faith Tabernacle) while Isaac Oyedepo pastors Winners' Chapel International, South Africa with his wife Ayomitide. These men are a direct breath of their father. What a blessed life.

God has through Papa broke the cords of poverty from many generation, delivered destinies from all forms of oppressions. With over 37year, the impact of bishop has spread everywhere in the world. The light of men has be brightened by the word of faith
Papa is a good mentor. A father of more than five thousand ministers. 

Today, God has increased papa in age and in all facets. He is sixty-two today. The whole world celebrate him. May you live to all fulfilment God has appointed for you daddy.

We love you. I love you with deep passion in my heart. 
Live long King. Live long Bishop. Live love Papa.

Happy Birthday To You Bishop!

From your son:
Falade Femi Adetola (Student WOFBI LCC)
God's Wrestlers Ministries

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