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Divine Defence

God's Wrestlers
Spiritual Dose
The month of September 2016. 
September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition.

SSS 22: Thursday September 22nd, 2016

Topic: Benefits of Spiritual Service 3

Sub- Topic: Divine Defence

Text: Is. 54:17

There is nothing as beautiful and as wonderful as to enjoy divine defence in this ever increasing and ever rugged warfare in our spiritual and physical environments. Many who serve God have this testimony always recalling. When we serve God, we save ourselves from dangers. We are not only defended, we are also given the right to judge, judge the opposition.

What Is Divine Defence

We need not define divine because divine is divine. An attempt at defining what divine is will give us a divine answer. Although, we know that whatever is divine is from heaven (above) and whoever and whatever is from above is above all, all things. This is very correct as we see it in any operation we can think of:

He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. John 3:31

Throughout the scriptures and in our larger community, spiritual things are always more real, more powerful and is first in all things.

May be your present situation is not correlative with what God has said about you, may be it is contradictory to the vision God shows you or may be it is not bringing the full image of the vision God has revealed to you, wait, be calm and relax, it will soon receive a turn around, the Holy Ghost will bring that which is in God's agenda to fulfilment in your life.

Defence is quite simple to define. It is a guide against and prevention and strong opposition. 

The all-good, all-beautiful divine defence I see God gives to his servants (anybody who is serving God) has a different definition from what man can intelligibly coined. It is  more than the action of defending and protecting from all sorts of demonic and what we call natural attacks, dangers or injuries. It is a instrument used to oppose attack(s) or a spiritual argument in support or justification of something. That is why from all views Isaiah chapter fifty-four verse seventeen is very correct: 

Every weapon formed against you shall not succeed, and you shall declare guilty every tongue that rises against you for judgment. This is the inheritance of the servants of Yahweh, and their legal right from me,”declares Yahweh. LEB 

Yes, it is correct. There are many Christians who have challenge believing this fact. They said God is the Judge and the bible says you shall not judge. Truly the bible says it, but do we study to know the judgement the bible excused us from? The bible excused us from canal and human judgements not the judgement of and in the spirit. The scripture told us that one of the right a spiritual man (one who renders spiritual service to God, remember God is a spirit who can only be serve via spiritual connectivity) enjoys is the right to judge all things:

But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged by no one. 1Cor. 2:15

Yes, we can, we know the standard for the judgement- the mind of Christ: 

For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ. :16

Scripture fulfilled. Prophet Isaiah raised the matter of who can have the mind of God in chapter 40:13 of his book, but I hear Apostle Paul saying Prophet Isaiah, this scripture is fulfilled in Jesus. Hallelujah! As long as I have Jesus in me, I have exactly his mind and his mind is God's mind. This is the mind we use to judge all these things. Jesus demonstrated that to us. We can now see the reason for Paul's admonition in Philippians chapter two and verse five:

Have this mind in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. ERV.

Paul said, have it, let it be in you so that you can also live like him. He knows how to judge. Thank God therefore, the scripture is fulfilled. The prophecy of Prophet Isaiah in chapter fifty-five and verse eight and nine has also been fulfilled in this same scripture: 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Is. 55:8-9

Now, I hear this shall not be said among the Christians because the same spirit of God that keeps the secret of God lives in Jesus or and in Us. Glory to God!

It is however important that we note that the same pattern Jesus followed in judging these demonic actions of the spirit must also be our standard. We can see the way Jesus judged Satan in Mathew chapter four from verse one. He spoke the word of God to him, Satan in disguise read or say the word of God to Jesus. What make the different, you can only speak from what you have within. That Jesus did. Satan only read what he has crammed and that has no power. May I announce to you that you cannot have the mind of Christ without using it nor equipping it. The mind must be fed every time with the word, it must be worded and loaded. 

The mind of Christ is that which is loaded with God's word which is the instrument to judge all things correctly.

The defence we are talking about have the power and the right to judge the principalities and powers that frustrates the expression of our dominion in Christ. We are to declare them guilty. Guilty forever. Why should one demon in your family says to you that you will die prematurely. What will be your defence in such matter. Your defence is to judge that spirit by the Holy Spirit using the judge guidelines and heavenly law book- the word of God. For example, it is your right to judge any spirit that say you will die before your time with Section Palms 118 and sub-section 17: 

I will not die, but I will live to tell what the Lord has done. NLT

You have declared them guilty. Why should I die when I am still very useful to God? The Lord has said of me, I shall not die. You can judge that terminal disease, that ulcer, that cancer, that high blood pressure, malarial, fewer, that seasonal sickness is overdue, judge them by the word of God. That poverty would be a story if you will judge it today. It is not yours, Jesus has paid what its demand for you to be rich: 

And God is able to make all grace (every favor and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation]. 2Cor. 9:8. AMP 

Why this assertion from Apostle Paul, it is because he knew what Jesus had done on your behalf and want you to come into the fullness of this understanding. He want us to know that poverty is not for Christmas as some thought is a way of holiness. It is not. Paul is reminded us in second Corinthians chapter eight and verse nine that:

For you are becoming progressively acquainted with and recognizing more strongly and clearly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (His kindness, His gracious generosity, His undeserved favor and spiritual blessing), [in] that though He was [so very] rich, yet for your sakes He became [so very] poor, in order that by His poverty you might become enriched (abundantly supplied). AMP.

Glory to God. Jesus paid it all. We have all the word to judge every negative situation that confronts us and declare them guilty because of what Jesus has done. As we serve God, we get to enjoy this great benefit freely and without even aware. For example I have heard and experienced an occasion when God took care of some things on my behalf, without my awareness. That is divine defence. We can be so sure the God we serve can do more than this. 

This divine defence is our heritage. We deserve it. It is ours because we are servants of God. Heritage means an inheritance; property that may be inherited. This is our divine right. It is not negotiable. In case, those obstacles recall your past, God says, they have no right to check, our righteousness is in him. So, why then can we not focus on serving God and let him fight the battle of life for us. 

When you serves God, he serves you. 

We are just too special, we are just untouchable. 

God, help us serve you, again and again till you come and take us home.

God says: focus.

Femi Falade
God's Wrestler
Facebook Page: Femi Falade

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