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Raw Spiritual Manifestations

God's Wrestlers
Spiritual Dose
The month of September 2016. 
September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition.

SSS 18 Sunday 18th, September 2016

Topic: Act of Spiritual Service 6

Sub- Topic: Raw Spiritual Manifestations
Text: Act 19:11

This song floods my mind in this raw performance-oriented edition. 

He's calling me deeper, deeper, deeper...
He's calling better, better, better...
He's calling wiser, wiser, wiser...
He's calling me stronger, stronger, stronger...
                  By Marvin Sapp.

I see an urgent need to move faster in the spirit. I see a moving train, for those who wish to go deeper. The need for a deeper dimension for in God, with God and for God.

Lord, we desire raw manifestations of your power more than what we are experiencing now. God has answered us and has given us the spiritual understanding we need. Then the need for reminder and to take desperate and quick actions is what is delaying our results. This is what, as God give us grace, we shall look into. 

Let me say this to you, spiritual manifestation is a food for all believers, but raw spiritual manifestation is a meat for the grown ups in the Spirit. 

Here, we are talking about the RAW One. So, let us grow up to this understanding.

It is not coming late, but it is getting late. The creation are already thirstily waiting and looking behind, they are seeking the result of what we claim to carry. The are gazing at us just as the lame man was gazing at Apostle Peter and John. See Act 3:1-5. They are looking for a raw manifestation from us. Whether Gold or Silver. Whether Power or Authority. They are saying, Mr. Man perform!!!!:

For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, everything on earth was subjected to God's curse. All creation anticipates the day when it will join God's children in glorious freedom from death and decay.  For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Rom. 8:19-22.

They are groaning, they are in pains. Help us, help us, help us! They cry in the valley of decision in indecision: 

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. Joel 3:14

They perceived that the day of the Lord has come, that he has ordained us for this assignment. 

Sadly, those of us who they cry to were buying sleeping, pursing shadows and some of us are dry in another open valley. 

God is indeed in need of those who will stand tall at the hill to command the valley to vomit out these great and mighty generations to their glorious prophetic destinies not people who will be in the same valley with them and assume they can make performance. 

Prophet Ezekiel in his days was in the valley with the dry bones that was why he was incapable to see the great and exceedingly great army. He could not predict their restoration. He said, he did not know. No idea, no choice, no performance.

Hear this, it takes the one on the hill to rescue the ones in the valley.

And that is who we are. A city set on the hill...Matt. 5:16

God, who sees all in all, I guess wondered in His mind saying if this man sees these great armies, he would have wept and cry for help on their behalf. Yes, since he cannot perform, God has to tell him what to do. Ezekiel, God said, perform! Prophecy. See Ezekiel 37:1-10.

(A good money of a prophet is prophecy. Qualitative Prophecies are prophecies that brings life to the dead. Prophetic utterances that deforms, perform and reforms made up prophetship. 
You cannot speak until there is a word in you. It was the fire in Elijah that brings to the physical the fire that consumed those men. See 2Kings 1:10. 

What you don't have. You don't have. What you don't have, you cannot give. What you cannot give, is not your own. What is not your own, you cannot posses. What you cannot posses, you cannot depend on.-  Extracted from "Battles For The Prophets" an unpublished book by me).

You say you are an Apostle, good. I think we should wake up into responsibilities. We have this testimony of Apostle Paul: 

And God did unusual and extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, So that handkerchiefs or towels or aprons which had touched his skin were carried away and put upon the sick, and their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them. Act 19:11-12. AMP

This is obviously not an ordinary demonstration of God's power. It is called extraordinary- this is raw. It take a raw anointing for an handkerchief to be an instrument of healing.

Hear this... If Paul had not gone extra, he cannot do the extraordinary. 

We see generally that the Apostles were men of great wonders: 

Through the work of the apos­tles, many God-signs were set up among the people, many wonderful things done. Act 5:12

Hello! Look at the way the massage bible puts it. They set God's-sign in those place. They set standards. They were deforming things and reforming them. They were spiritual reformists. 

What is Raw Spiritual Manifestation

Simply put or put simple, raw spiritual manifestation are the performance of unusual spiritual acts by the Power of God. This definition was deduced from Act 19:11. It is performing what God would perform if He is here with us. It is creating what can create another thing, building what can build another, doing what can do another, seeing what can see another, and establishing what can establish another. 

Good news. This signs are not lacking in our generation. As good as that sounds, it is more sad. This is because, very few ministers, (not even common  Christian) can boast of that. More sad, many who claim to have been walking in that realm were operating under another authority different from God. 

Today, there is speedy reduction in the trust of people for ministers of God who demonstrate this kinds of spiritual move, especially new and unpopular ones. The reason is not far fetched. There are false Apostles, false Prophets, false Teachers and so on who have left the right source and are following the devil. They have made agreement with the devil. They use all sort of demonic power to see visions, work miracles, and do some wrong teaching which they claim is rhema. They have deceived many. They are leading many to hell. They are the agents of darkness. They are everywhere. And guess what? If you count 100 ministers of God you could see or think around you, they form a greater percentage of them. This is the reason we should not be miracle seekers, but we should desire to be miracle workers.

Some of them even quote this same text: 

Mighty works, also, not the ordinary, God was working through the hands of Paul;
so that, even unto the sick, were being carried from his body, handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases were departing from them, and, the wicked spirits, were going out.  EBR

And what next? They start the sales of miracle handkerchiefs, miracle waters, miracle oil and so on. Indeed we are in the end time. 

This study is not to push us to the world to look for power to demonstrate to people on God's behalf. No, it is, like the song lyrics we saw at the beginning of this edition, calling us deeper. When we need to say, God, I am ready to pay the cost, help me.

How to Experience Raw Spiritual Manifestation

If we are ready, he is ready. If you are preparing He has a preparation for you. If you move closer, He would rush to meet you. 

Very confidently, we can trust Him for this. He has said it, He would not lie. James told us very plain that if we draw near unto God, he will draw near unto us. See James 4:8. This is how the message bible present it:

Say a quiet yes to God and he'll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Pu­rify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. 

Just say yes to the call into the deeper, and in no time, he is here with you. This instructions is what we latter breakdown as we shall see next. 


No man come to God swimming and swinging in the ocean of sin can claim that he is ready for a deeper walk. He is only a babe toasted to and fro, like a wind, he has no destination, He can cannot go with the God of plans and purposes. See Eph 4:14.

Sin, must be done away with. 

Keep this.... A man who struggle with sins cannot be stable with God..

Sin is destructive, you cannot help it. You cannot fake it. You cannot make it Holy. You cannot make it clean. You can only say bye bye to it. That is exactly what Jesus came to do. 

Read this extract from "Laying Hold on Divine Treasures" an unpublished book by me: 

Neither the devil nor his works can be made to be born again or holy. Jesus did not come to repair the works of the devil but to destroy it.(See 1John 3:9). There is no way the carnal mind can be subjected to the law of the Spirit, (Rom.8:7) that is why God came with a New Heart, Spirit (Ez.36:26-27)- a new man (2Cor.5:17). Stop rebranding those dead works, you cannot make your sin holy not even by praying, you can only forsake it. This life is a New Experience beyond the earth.)

Purification/Sanctification of Your Life.

Sanctification is the total separation of yourself unto God. A cleansing of all yourself by the blood, the word and by prayer. A total separation from among the crowd. A deliberate attempt to be God's and God's only. This must follow your decision of running from sin and at the same time will help you to avoid sin. (See 2Cor. 7:1, John 17:17, Heb. 10:22)

Be Diligence and Focus on Him.

The palms of David gave us an assurance. We can look unto Him the author and the finisher of our faith. Heb. 12:2, and we would not be ashamed. See Ps. 34:5. When you look at him, these are the outline of what you focus on and what you would do.

First, Generate Power.
By deeper and consistence devotion to Him, you would experience the power of God. It is in you, yes, but it will come alive, active and strong when you hold in in prayers with God both in prayers and in his word. This would also take your commitment to Fasting. You fast anyhow, anytime. This would also build up your faith. There are some people, may be you, that God wish to do something through but you are afraid of trying it. Demonstration of Faith is important in the matter of raw spiritual manifestation. The faith here, is the kind that the spirit propels. The Spirit of Faith. (See 2Cor. 4:13). 

Taking Actions. 

Without action vision, even rhema is useless. We must speak, we must perform as God give us direction and grace. We must stand to say, I am here therefore God is here. We must dare the mighty. We must act on instructions. 

God is set to do mighty things through us. Are you ready?
Take Action Now.
We are blessed forever.

Femi Falade
God's Wrestler

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