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Taking Charge

God's Wrestlers
Spiritual Dose
The month of September 2016. 
September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition.

SSS 19 Monday 19th, September 2016

Topic: Act of Spiritual Service 7

Sub- Topic: Taking Charge
Text: Gen. 2:28 The MSG.

Little wonder is it when there are issue searching for people who could be put in charge things in every part of our world. In politics, in the economy aspect, in the business world, in the academics field, in ministerial duties, in all facets in short, we have all sorts of headache looking for who we may commit things to that such thing would not be marred in their hands. Lack of competent men and women to take charge and take responsibility of things has render our world of less quality when compare to what God has preordained it to be.

This is because, people have neglected their God given roles. People have sold their glorious destinies to sins. They have allowed companions that have redirected their steps. They have been misled by wrong counsellors. They have been held in captivity of ignorance. They have been victims of demonic oppressions. They are down, down casted, relegated because of their immediate environment and the larger environment. Who is to be blamed? 

It is a shocking thing that, in the beginning it was not so. God did not make a search, he saw the person he created as capable of taking charge. See what he told him:

God cre­ated human be­ings;
he cre­ated them godlike,
Reflecting God's na­ture.
He cre­ated them male and female.
God blessed them:

"Pros­per! Re­produce! Fill Earth! Take charge!
Be responsible for fish in the sea and birds in the air,
for ev­ery living thing that moves on the face of Earth." Gen. 1:28.

Emphatically, God said to him, take charge. Be in charge. Be responsible. Oh my God! What a trust God has, what a confidence God had in him. Can God look at you and say, son, take charge. In our place of work, in our field, in our endeavors, most of us are serving like slaves even if we are the head there. 
What we call a great achievement, is a dot of the goods God is expecting from us. Why then the boast?

In this series, taking charge is a fuel producing force that would drive us to take some good but dangerous steps to be what God says we are. As the last act of spiritual service, it tends to summarize other areas where we can offer our spiritual service to God. 

Throughout the scriptures there are always a search for who to take charge. It was read of Joseph even though a slave, that he is always put in charge of things wherever he finds himself. 

(Learn from Joseph in the biblical record make available. Joseph move just five Progressive Steps (Ps) in life, all these steps are all Ps. Let see

From: Parlor
To: Pit
To: Portiphar's House
To: Prison
To: Palace. 

He spent 17years in the parlor. There, he was in charge of visions and the truth. His father knew him as the truth despenser. Beside he was in charge of all dreams. They knew him for that. Again, they could see the light of God in him. This light reveals his leading position in life, the light every true believer should have. 

Joseph also spent some hours in the pit. There, he stood hopeless and helpless. His brother taught he would die. If they had left him there, the man who showed him where is brothers were was his personal angel who would also come and help him out. Because the scriptural word about the righteous must be fulfilled. So in the pit, he was still in charge. 

Joseph also found himself in slavery, in potiphar's house. He was also put in charge. This is not luck, it is what he deserved. His life has been shaped to that. That is the path of the righteous: 

  The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.

As we see, he also move from there to prison. Even in the prison, he was put in charge. He was trustworthy, reliable, diligence and contempt. He stood in gap for God and rule both the spiritual and the physical.

And finally, Joseph last Ps. was at the palace. Glory to God. He was in charge too. King Pharaoh brought this to our notice about him:  

And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is? Gen. 41:38

What is the secret of this God's approved brother. He loved God. He is always after kingdom gain. His thoughts are perpetually pure and never seek his own. (Read Gen. 37,38,39,40,&41). This is opposite of what is happening to us in our immediate environment today.

Interestingly, we also learn from brother Daniel. In Daniel chapter 1:5, king Nebuchadnezzar sent Ashpenaz to screen some set of people for special commitments. He gave seven qualities that should be found in a Kingdom fitting persons.

They were to be young men without physical defect, handsome in appearance, skilled in all wisdom, quick to learn, prudent in how they used knowledge, and capable of serving in the king’s palace. They were to learn the literature and language of the Chaldeans. (ISV)

No matter the version of the scripture, the message is the same;

No Blemish/ Physical defeat. 
Good looking/handsome/Beautiful.  
Gifted in wisdom/well informed. (Know something about everything). 
Possessing knowledge. 
Quick understanding. 
Ability to serve. 
Able to be taught

Daniel was not found so because he inherited all these attributes, his secret is in chapter 6 verse 10 of the book of Daniel. A youth by both physical and spiritual qualification, strong, an overcomer, and have an intimacy with God. (1 John 2:12-14) Hear Job: 

“As I was in the days of my youth, when the secret of God was upon my tabernacle.” Job 29:4.

A time came too, that there is a need for who to take charge in the first Church of Christ. Just like in the case of Daniel, there is a need for those who could be charge and responsibilities of economic management in the church and environment. Then, they setout what should be the qualifications:

“Now look around among yourselves, dear brothers, and select seven men, wise and full of the Holy Spirit, who are well thought of by everyone; and we will put them in charge of this business. Act 6:3

I see, by every signs, that there is no field in any endeavour that does not need a reliable person. Holy Ghost minded person. Wisdom oriented. Diligence person. Every of this qualities would also be needful in any field of life. 

God would not trust you with great responsibilities if you are not tested. You will be tested to be trusted. 

How to Prepare Yourself To Be In Charge

To be in charge is more than connection as most of us were taught. A man can only be recommended if the light of God shines in him and shines out of him. There are personal investments that would put a man in charge of great responsibilities in advance of time. These things are deliberately given in to by men.

Self-discovery is very needed. You would be watsing your time if you have not discover your goal in life. This is through visions and revelations. This is through whatever you hand does in joy and without struggle.

Self-improvement is very significant. This is more than studying the bible. It cut across investing in yourself. This could be by engaging in some academical activities, yet it is more than that. You need to study to show yourself approve unto God in that your field.

Connection with God would serve as the foundation to all these. You must know your God. Daniel told us that it is those who know their God that are permitted to carry out great exploits. Dan. 11:32. God remains the source of a person that cling to him for help.

We must wake to responsibility anywhere we are. In our family, homes, business, economic, politics, academics, business,etc. Just make sure that you are not idle per time. You would help others and also raise them to take charge in their lives. 

May God help us.
He is our strength.
Be blessed beyond your expectations. Amen.

Femi Falade
God's Wrestler

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