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Divine Chatting

God's Wrestlers
Spiritual Dose
The month of September 2016. 
September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition.

SSS 20 Tuesday 20th, September 2016

Topic: Benefits of Spiritual Service 1

Sub- Topic: Divine Chatting 
Text: Num. 12:7&8

We have crossed three bridges in this series of spiritual engagement. Of course we have learnt a lot about the nature and activities of spiritual service. As God has granted us grace to learn this, we have also receive grace to study further and know those benefits that go with a servant of God in the service. By servants of God, I don't limit the list to ministers of God because as we have learnt, all men are saved to serve. We are therefore on the right path if we are here.

Sometimes, people refuse to see sense in discussing the issue of benefit of deserving God. They said it is not for man to determine. Yet, teaching such as this will fuel zeal in the servant, encourage him and also give him assurance of his reward. God himself is particular about this:

 “They shall be mine,” says the Lord Almighty, “in that day when I make up my jewels. And I will spare them as a man spares an obedient and dutiful son. Then you will see the difference between God’s treatment of good men and bad, between those who serve him and those who don’t. Mal. 3:17-18 TLB

God said this. He meant it. Those who serve God are jewels to him, he cannot allow them to be equated to those who are not serving him. There must be a clear difference.  In all area such as we shall be seeing from this edition, God pays.

It is pay to serve God for God pays.

Good enough. We must also understand that God has ordained that those who serve in his house are to have their wellbeing proceed from there. He has commanded it. He has preorganized it. He has arranged it:

Even so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel. 1Cor. 9:14

We have no need to cry, "God am doing your work, provide for my needs". God knows his duty, he is never slack about his promise. (See 2Pet. 3:9) and he is not a man, he cannot lie, he cannot repent. (See Num 23:19). He would do what he says because he has the capability. We know, by all indication that God shows no partiality. Yet in this, he has priority in the benefit distribution section of the kingdom business. Apostle Paul confirms this by this word:

Furthermore, it is the hard working farmer who should have the first share of the crops. 2Tim. 2:6 ISV

I see two type of farmers here. The hardworking one and the working one. The first to be serve these divine benefits I'd the hardworking one. Hardworking here means a committed kingdom worker. One who gave his totality for this course. He is always there. God desires that he should be served first in the benefit sharing organogram. That could be you. An hardworking man here is measured based on the task given and time available and allotted to him. We have no excuse. What ought we to do then? Work. Work and work obeying these principles of the word of God. As we do, so that we would not miss our benefits because for God, he will always reward your labour of love. Hear how Hebrew 6:10 puts it: 

God doesn't miss any­thing. He knows per­fectly well all the love you've shown him by help­ing needy Chris­tians, and that you keep at it. And now I want each of you to ex­tend that same intensity to­ward a full-bod­ied hope, and keep at it till the fin­ish. Don't drag your feet. Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get ev­ery­thing promised to them. Heb. 6:10-12.

Good News

God cannot forget. He cannot pretend that he did not see your pure heart of service. He will surely reward. One of these very great benefits is what Moses, in his days enjoyed: 

Not so, My servant Moses. He [is] faithful in all My house. I will speak with him mouth to mouth, even clearly, and not in dark speeches. And he shall behold the likeness of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses? Num. 12:7-8 MKJV

My servant Moses? "What did he do sir?" I suspect Aaron asked in his mind. "He is faithful in all my house". In all your house? That is serious. God is not afraid to say Moses is my servant. He is sure he has a good stand with him. Moses is my "paddy" (intimate one). So, this is the way we have our chat: 

With him I will speak face to face, openly, and not in riddles; and he will see the form of the LORD. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” Num. 12:8 NET

I speak to him inti­mately, in per­son, in plain talk with­out rid­dles: He ponders the very form of God. So why did you show no rever­ence or respect in speaking against my servant, against Moses? The MGS

Face to face chatting in the open place? Plain talk in intimacy? That is Moses privilege with the God of gods because he served him. 

The Concept of Divine Chatting

Divine Chatting means to be engaged in informal conversation with the Godhead. To exchange spiritual text or voice mesages in real time through the Spirit, and having a face-to-face conversation with God. You can approach God and ask him some questions. You can say, "Hi Lord, hope you are fine sir?".

Men who serves God enjoys this great benefit. We can count from Adam to Jesus and from the Disciples to our time. Those who serve God hear him and have intimacy with him. When hundred requests are placed by hundred people, those who serve God are given fast attention, because their attendance is updated every minute in heaven, so they are use to them. 

To serve God pays. This is a spiritual service. We can be assured of this communication with Him. He sees us as co-business partners and always attending to us per time. God is ready to make us his best friends and to chat with us just has he did to Abraham. The only biblical friend of God: 

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. Jam. 2:13

Abraham a friend of God. What a privilege to share feelings, passion, desires, jokes, etc. with God. Just because he believed and thus serve God. (See Gen 18). Much more than Abraham has enjoyed awaits us if we shall serve God intimately. 

God can invite you to a chat, showing you what some people are planning and arranging against somebody of no concern to you. He will then laugh.... And what will you do? Also laugh... That is a chat. (See palms 2:1-4).
He shares his mind with you and you have his thoughts and action plans because of service. 

God, help us to understand that, we help ourselves by serving you and not that we are helping you. 

Help us to know that your wages are always jaw-breaking. Help us to discern the area we are missing our reward.

Areas where some People Miss Divine Chat.

The only hindrance to divine chat when your obedience to God's service has been fulfilled is sin. No matter how committed you are before God, He cannot have such chat with you, never with a sin toiler. He wants us to keep ourselves holy. That is why you cannot sin to serve God. You cannot lie to preach to somebody. You have sinned if you do that and your service is not recognised.

I see another passion driving in us.

Good morning Lord. Just wish to say hi! 
Son, how are you, I saw that your day was stressful, go and fresh up. 

God want to chat with us in many directions. Let get ready, let do service.
Glory to God.

Femi Falade
God's Wrestler

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