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>God's Wrestlers Spiritual Dose The month of September 2016. Tagged: September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition. SSS 4 - Sunday 4th, September 2016 Topic: Prerequisites to Spiritual Service 2 Sub-Topic: The Holiness Demand Text: Zech. 14:20 We have the understanding at least, when we say something is holy. All our suggested answers might not be correct as expected, yet, they are trying to mean the Totality. Holiness, in the highest sense means what belongs to God (Isa. 6:3; Rev. 15:4), and it means consecration unto God's service, and in so far as we are conformed in all things to the will of God (Rom. 6:19, 22; Eph. 1:4; Titus 1:8; 1 Pet. 1:15). Salvation business made us holy by nature and unto God. Apostle Peter shows us very edible: 1Pet1:18a Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things.... 1Pet1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. It is clear, if Christ blood that redeemed me has no blemish, can I have any? No! So, the good news is that if you are saved, you are holy unto the Lord. Zec14:20 confirms this fact: In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD; and the pots in the LORD's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. So, God could say boldly 'since I am Holy be holy too'. This is an action point. God is holy within and then to people without. Ask Satan. It is our duty too, to be holy to people since He has made us holy within. So God boldly commanded: But be holy NOW in everything you do, just as the Lord is holy, who invited you to be his child.  1Pet. 1:15 TLB. KJV says 'in all your conduct', that is demonstration not theory. This kind of holiness is called Personal holiness which is a work of gradual development. It is carried on under many hindrances, hence the frequent admonitions to watchfulness, prayer, and perseverance is given. (1 Cor. 1:30; 2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 4:23, 24). When you maintain this holy life within and without, you can be sure of an acceptable sacrifice coming from you. Beloved, Do not speak holiness, live holiness. Let it be part of your daily engagements, let people know you for not compromising God's standard even in your place of work. Remember, without Holiness, no man can see the Lord. Heb. 12:14. I see a free will move to serve God acceptably springing forth. Hallelujah!!! Happy Sunday people of God! Femi Falade God's Wrestlers

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