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God's Wrestlers Spiritual Dose The month of September 2016. Tagged: September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition. SSS 3 - Saturday 3rd, September 2016 Topic: Prerequisites to Spiritual Service 1 Sub-Topic: Sacrifice Alive Text: 1Kings 3:4 What makes any sacrifice alive still is the context and the content of which is made up. There are dead, disrespected, rejected and abnormal sacrifices among others. Such sacrifice are so because they lack certain spiritual ingredients. Cain's sacrifice was disrespected because it lack faith. Heb. 11:4. Saul's sacrifice was rejected because it does not have obedience virtue. 1Sam. 15:12,21. We can continue to count, what we want to figure out are those things that make a sacrifice dead one. These are seen as follows: -The Sacrificer's Status - The Source of the Sacrifice - The Composition of the Sacrifice - Faith and Obedience - The Timing. The sacrificer's status is mostly and firstly important to God. The scripture said of Abel that God accepted Him first and then his offering. Gen. 4:3-4. If a person has life, the probability of producing 40/100 living sacrifice is obtainable. To live is to have Jesus, the one whose light is the life of men. John. 1:4. To remain alive, is to abide in Him. John 15:4. Another important thing to know about the status is the place and motive of which the sacrifice is coming from. Only a willfully one is accepted to the Lord. The bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor. 9:7. Let me quickly points out here that there are different sources of which sacrifice can come from. Only one source is approved by God- A blameless source. By blameless, we mean a sacrifice void of all offenses. What record would God place a person who steal money to serve God because of whatever reason. Check, what source is my sacrifice coming from?. The composition God desires is summarily in love. No matter what you have prepared to give let it be encapsulated in love, so what is not of love should not muddle in. If you don't believe in the sacrifice you want to offer, you better don't give it. Some people ask if God collect paper money when the issue of giving is being discussed. True, He did not, but receive the heart that believe it and obey it to give it. Obedience, very important, is paramount in this matter. If God ask you to give Him 9 of your 10, can u obey Him totally?. Whatever God requires, no matter how small or big, that is exactly what he deserves that time. Why should we attempt to be smart before God?. In fact, the scripture states it very clearly that obedience is better than sacrifice. 1Sam. 15:22. The timing of a sacrifice is the brother of obedience. For example, God requires a commitment to spiritual service this month as a rigorous task. How much do we give to it?. We need to be plan on this note and screen our so called sacrifices so as not to fetch waters in the basket. We must be awakened to the quality of the sacrifice God demands from us. The bedrock, once again is that it must be a living sacrifice. May God give us grace. Amen. I see a result of change in Orientation on the kind of sacrifice God accepts. Glory to God. God's Wreslter Femi Falade

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