The Mystery of Spiritual Death
(Watch out for ABIYE: The Mystery of Spiritual Life)
By Femi A. Falade
If bible scholars hear “death” in biblical context, what would come to their minds is the question “where is thy sting?”, but for lay men, pity will arose from their minds with the question, who?, where? and what happen? When an infant dies the first time, people would response with tears, when he dies the second time, they would respond with weeping but when he dies the third time, mourning would mix with curse. This is a mystery of spiritual death for Christians called ABIKU.
Abiku is a Yoruba word. The Yoruba dictionary interprets it as "children who die in infancy". These children are given birth to as many times as possible but the surprising thing is that they died almost at the same age (in their infancies). Their parents in the Yoruba culture would do everything to see that these children does not returned to where they came from by many ritual practices, tribal marks, prayers, incisions and so on.
There is great wisdom if we adopt this understanding to why Christians experience spiritual instability in their walk with God. This wisdom would also give us understanding of the efforts and available kingdom provisions to escape being an Abiku Christian in our pursuits of faith. What is the meaning of Abiku Christianity?
It is not novel that anyone who repents of his sin, forsakes them, believe and confess what Jesus had done for him is called a Born Again. The bible told us that, we were formerly died in our trespasses and sins. But, by Jesus' death and resurrection, we were made alive with him and sited at the right hand of God. Now that we are born again, we became a new baby in the kingdom and we feed on the pure milk of the word of which we grow in status and wisdom having favour with God and with men.
How did “Ogun Abiku” (The problem of infants' death) set into our midst and why is our new “born agains” or new kingdom babies start dying and to be re-birth every time? Would Christ die again for them? No. He has died and the death is once and for all and all times.
Abiku Christians are those who have no spiritual stamina. Little temptations draw them back from light. Little challenges make them abuse God. Little demonic confrontations make them give up. Little spiritual exercises get them tried. They are those who fall into sin without cause. They are Sunday's Christians. They are “ariya” (celebration) Christians.
They are people whom their mouths are their belles. All they seek is miracle. They want God to do everything for them. They see the issue of holiness and righteousness as impossibility. They say “no one is perfect”.
Abiku Christians are problem to church growth. They waste the pastor’s sweat over their lives. They frustrate pastors and make them to feel as if their calling is not real. Abiku Christians are "one million times backsliders". They are slaves to sin. They know Jesus only as Saviour and not Lord. In short, Abiku are perpetual backsliders or lukewarm Christians.
The problem of Abiku Christians is demonically structured. They are faced with the spirit of demon called the prince of the air. This spirit is darkness itself and it rules in the dark. It blindfolded our minds when we were not saved and still want to continue in that hegemony when we are saved.
Take note of this fact, "no one is half born again". No one is born of anything imperfect. The word of faith told us that we were born again not of the incorruptible seed but of the word of God that dwells in us.
The issue is not, therefore, whether these set of believers are born again or not. We must know that the problem of Abiku Christians is associated with their background - what drove them to the cross. For some, it is miracle, some poverty, some marriage or job and so on. Their problems also include what they are investing into themselves after being born again.
Whatever you are loaded with is what your load is. The Abiku Christians would need to understand that there are Abiye (Born Alive) Christians who remains alive for the kingdom and are growing by the day. This understanding, coupled with the secrets and other details would be a way out for the Abiku Christians. This is the part two of this article wait for it!
Thanks for reading.
Happy weekend!
Femi A. Falade
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