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By Femi A. Falade

Thank God we have, for the first time, unlimited vacancies of jobs for all and we cannot afford to miss out this time. Many people who claimed to have been employed are still living from hand to mouth. Others who say they are happily employed still lack the true benefits of the jobs they happy gained. The goodnews is that, there is job at Jericho for all whether you are currently jobless or in a job already. Follow me closely. 

Where is Jericho and Job in spiritual geography? Jericho-Job in spiritual context is located in the spirit realms and is everywhere. The bible says, the city of Jericho (where there are jobs for all God’s people) was securely shut up. No one came out and no one comes in…. Joshua 6:1 (paraphrased)

There is a job in Jericho. The vacancies are being occupied by demonic men and women. We see these vacancies in politics, economies, academics, businesses and even in ministries and so on. They transfer these great opportunities from father to children of their wicked generations. They shut up the gates of Jericho jobs against God’s people and God’s people wander away joblessly. What a pity!

There are well paying jobs at Jericho of politics in your country. There are great opportunities in the Jericho of business. There are great positions in the Jericho of the economic seats of your country. There are “more-paying, less-working” jobs in the Jericho of that organisation you are eyeing. You think that position is truly vacant? No! There are spiritual beings there, occupying those seats. But you know the problem? The gate have been securely shut up that they should not employ you and those who are there did not want to leave.

Good news, this is time to pull down that Jericho gate and walls for two emergency happenings. First, that the people who are there may leave and that you may occupy their positions. What shall we do to get this done?

First, be born again to be God’s choosiest people for the job. If you are born again, you have the right by divine constitution to be divinely employed in God’s Eden. Break yourself from foundational and spiritual problems by checking into your foundation and deliberately disassociate yourself to associate yourself with Jesus. Let the monitoring spirit in that corner know that you are not under their supervision again and be in the secret place of the Most High. If you are and you have, congratulations! 

Next, get instructions from God on how to apply for that job. Gather your qualifications which are made qualified by grace not by levels. Go to the Jericho prepared. Prepare spiritually and physically. The people of Israel who pull down their Jericho wall walk around for 7days. It means they are physically fit and do the tests, interviews and other required things and yet their focus remains on God. This could include market study and creating opportunities for new business men. As they do the physical exercise, they knew how spiritual it is and thus press it spiritually; prayerfully. They obeyed the Lord until there were to praise Yahweh and Jehovah Jireh with a shout of victory which is high praise.

The next thing we saw was that Jericho wall fell and those who have remained in those key positions were dispositioned. God people gained access to their portion and explored the land. Please, when you have access to Jericho jobs, call fellow God’s children to also work there. It is not meant for unbelievers. It is for believers by right and constitution. 

Enjoy, no more joblessness. 

Happy Sunday!          

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