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Corp Members or Crop Members? The Malady of NYSC Part One By Oluwaseun E. Olatoye

Corp Members or Crop Members? The Malady of NYSC Part One

By Oluwaseun E. Olatoye

It is time, the time for service, a great service for corp members to lift the nation high through the spirit of selflessness, discipline and dedication. It is a time to obey the clarion call to service. This great call is a reflection of  divine voice, the Father's call. This is a way of men showing the beauty of God. 

 First, it is a call of the kingdom, voice of divine as the earth adopt this in NYSC scheme .Alas, the youth have ignorantly misplaced the order, putting the earthly first. 

Oh God of creation, direct our noble course; this is the prayer for the nation without the exemption of the youth. The time of service for the youth is a crucial, it is a period of great discovery of destiny and birthing great exploit of the spirit. This reminds me, that the strength of a man is in his youth. Am yet to see a youth that can truly serve his nation without getting divine accreditation,  a man that have rearrange the order drinking from the milk and honey in the land. He is only a child of a Shepherd eating bones.

Heaven gives this particular calling a close attention as they watch the youth making decisions; why and where to serve. It is rather unfortunate that most youths have grown a tree of selfishness rather than seeking to cultivate the land for God. They have desire to seize and enjoy this notable  but delicate period of their lives rather than becoming farmers, engaging and causing enlargement in father's kingdom.

Some jeopardized this great opportunity to serve by falling into the pit  of self centredness and corrupt ambition. They are carried away by flow of mundane things to fill their bellies and spend cash without too much struggle. 

Others have designed strategies to catch  the free yellow pawpaw in the camp. They are fast forgotten that the one cannot serve the land without correct alignment to the divine, they are ignorant that no one can obey the earthly clarion call when their eyes are shut against the divine assignment.

No! I have not seen where stiffnecked children flourishing in the father's land, the earth is of the Lord. A youth cannot define his own interest and still be tagged corp member. No, that is a serious fallacy. 

Until one obtain divine tag, until heaven recognise your submission to divine call, until you cultivate the land for the owner, you can never be a legitimate corp member.

I hear the call, the heaven's declaration, only the Crop members for the kingdom are certified as corp members.

Are you one of those bonafide member of Nysc?  Before you contribute to the malady of nysc, please take a moment and check yourself. Reflect on your motives now before you become nysc headache. Be a solution, believe in divine arrangement of placement and join the army to achieve kingdom aim.

Be blessed,

Oluwaseun E. Olatoye

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