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GRACE TO SAY "NO" AND 10 MAJOR THINGS TO SAY "NO" TO IN 2018 Part One by Femi A. Falade, BBB.


 by Femi A. Falade, BBB.

 For the grace of God has appeared… say “No” to…… in this present age. Titus 2:11-12 NIV (Paraphrased)

In the book, “Breakthroughs Unlimited: Chaperon to Experiencing Unlimited Breakthrough in Life” I opened the chapter by saying “You will always say no to what you don’t know” and that “No matter what you get, when you don’t get understanding, you cannot make gain out of them”. This is the aim of this piece.

Many people wish to say “no” to what they don’t know and sometimes what they know but the more their “no”, “no” the more “yesses” they are responding to in their minds and actions. There are many people who have pledged and vowed never to say yes to certain things; temptations, characters, sin etc. in the years behind them but found themselves amidst the “yesses” of their “nos” in seconds. The understanding of the grace to say “no” and what Jesus has done is crucial to help in this matter.

The Grace to say “no” has come. It does not only enables you to say “no”, it teaches you to say no to no-required matters and say yes to yes-required matters. This grace has appeared to all men but only the men that embrace Him and His teachings will enjoy Him. 

Therefore, if you find out that you have struggles with those temptations, check if you allow the grace to teach, guide, instruct and enables you to say the “no” you said or you just believed the erroneous “heresy of grace after sin”.
There are ten major things you need to say “no” to in the coming year if you will have a fulfilled year. They are matters that are difficult for men but not to God, for with God, nothing shall be impossible. I will share with you in the next part others but, let me jump the fence to tell you one of them and the help on the way. You must say no to AN UNPRODUCTIVE LIFE.

If we desire to live a meaningful life, we must think of productivity. I saw this as a matter of “do or die affair” which made me to exclaim in the first chapter of my book that will be launched on January 1st, 2018 that: “If you don’t see my productivity, you will see my obituary”
I the book, I opined productivity as the first commandment from God and use the words of Apostle Peter (1Pet. 1:15) to reveal God’s mind in Gen. 1:28:
“But as he which hath called you is PRODUCTIVE, so be ye PRODUCTIVE in all YOUR CONDUCTS; because it is written, be ye PRODUCTIVE; for I am PRODUCTIVE”

I positioned that “Lack of productive ideas leads to lack of productive actions and lack of productive actions leads to lack of productive activities” and of course results. Lay hold on the softcopy of the book when it is published online and discover the formula you need to live a productive life in 2018 and beyond.
You can also join us to launch the book at

….To be continued….
Femi A. Falade, BBB.

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