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KINGDOM KITCHEN part one By Femi A. Falade


By Femi A. Falade

In our generation, kitchen has emerged the most important part of any house. In fact, the value of a good house is measured by the standard of the kitchen. Little worry why most of the meals prepared from these kitchens are kitchen-worthy, table-worthy but are not stomach-worthy. 

In our kingdom too, kitchens are given priorities and what we produced from it are much more of a germane value. In kingdom kitchens, we have grace to cook and everyone is a cook. 

Unlike the earthly kitchens, kingdom kitchens accommodate all kinds of cooks- male and female, young or old.  How tasty the food cooked from these kitchens are, is a product of the divine ability of the cook regardless of sex but of skills. 

Who taught Noah how to cook a sacrifice that without curry, thyme and species brought forth a sweet smelling aroma unto God? How much do we use these kitchens God has positioned for our use?

I remembered sometime ago in 2014, I decided to spend my break in one of my close relatives' abode and I was privileged to enter the kitchen to do some cookings. Smiles. Interestingly, my focus was more on the beauty of the kitchen than what I was cooking in those periods. The kitchen obviously worth more than a million naira. 

It is only shooting to know that, the beauty of the kitchen does not make my food to be automatically be a standard one. Some of the things I cooked still reflected my unprofessional skills.

Kingdom Kitchen in the sense of the church is our church auditorium. Thank God for the grace to build a beautiful, spacious and classic auditorium, the matter is to ask if these good sacrifices are made in these kitchens to God.

Kingdom kitchen in the respect of man is his personal altar. We have our body so designed that we are careful they should be dirty when we are called to prepare divine foods. No matter how you design where you met God, if your commitment is lagging, your preparations are nothing but nothing. 

What is Kingdom kitchen in the heavens and the roles of angels? This is what will form the part two of this article. Whatout. 

Femi A. Falade
(Author, "Operating Heavenational System on Earth")

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