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by Femi A. Falade the Prophet

What you don't know is that you don't know what you know and you know what you don't know. A wise man once said, if you want to keep an information from a black man, hide it inside a book.

The information you need to make an edge over your competitors is at your finger tips but you see it as hidden because you couldn't search it out. 

A research mindset is not to configure you for a doubtful life. It is to help you asses the correct thing and to lift you above all doubts. 

Friends, knowing is powerful than knowledge itself. The end of knowing about a particular thing is knowledge but there is no end to knowing itself. 

Why do we do away with useful information as though we know it all? The scriptures informs us about heavenly things and how to conduct ourselves in this present world. The information on earth keeps us aware about what is obtainable in the society and in the sectors of our nations. If we search out information relevant to our fields of interest with divine revelations we have a great advantage over others who have only information and those who have only revelations. 

We must bear in mind that, revelation births information because the spiritual precedes the physical. Men with accurate information are men with revelation. The things you are praying about to know are already given to someone who have either documented it or even published it. Search out where it is hidden.

The above marked the reason why we must not keep certain information met for the public in the secret or to ourselves. We must not also be reluctant to assess this information at any cost.

You cannot read books? You cannot listens to news or read news paper? You cannot ask questions and receives answers? No wonder we are unaware of what is going on around us. 

To those of us who have poor altitudes toward reading, this is a charge for us to seek useful information. Hello reader, not every information is met for you. Again, not all the information you have access to are to be used. If we refuse to make separation between available information and the useful ones we will end up giving ourselves headache. If you can't find it, you can't get it. This information is thus hidden from you by your unwilling self. 

What you don't know in most cases knows you. It knows you and knows that you don't know it knows you. Therefore, let us seek information along with revelation. We are better off if we do!

Hope today was great?

Much love from,
Femi A. Falade
(Author, "When God Says Kabiyesi: Unveiling Our Royal Identity")

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