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THE DECISION MAKER AND THE MAKER Part 2 By Femi A. Falade the Prophet


By Femi A. Falade the Prophet

I hear the Holy Ghost saying, I will not leave you without a formula to make the best decision. You will not fail!


When a man misses his way, he misses his gain. Needless struggles can be avoided if we will trust God to help us align ourselves to the available and present help of the present times. We know without Him, we are nothing. What can we do? Nothing!

Show me a man who made the right decision and I will show you a man whose heart is rightly positioned. The position of your heart is the answer to your question. The heart has the power to determine your determination and its destination. 

Show me where your treasure is and I will show you where your heart is. Who or what is your treasure? Where is your treasure kept? If your heart must be right, it must be positioned in Christ, that mind of Christ must be in you. If your heart can find its settlement in Christ, you cannot make it wrong.

According to the word of Faith, when a man is spiritual, he knows all things, 1Cor. 2:15. The meaning is simply that an unspiritual person knows nothing. No right decision can be reached without Him at work in you. The bible calls Him the Spirit of Truth. When He comes, He will help you identity the truth, guide you into it and help you to abide in it. Many people have taken the best decision but later change it because of their inconsistency with the Spirit of the Father like I illustrated in part one's introduction. 

The Holy Spirit will also give you a witness in your heart and of course, around you. The Word of Truth had established that, only in the mouth of two to three evidences, witnesses, the truth shall be established. You must have a witness internally and externally. 

God can decide to witness your right decision by nature. The nature can be used by God to witness your right decision. Stones, air, tree, sun, rock, water, location, animal and other nonliving things can be used to minister to you that you are either making the right choice or the wrong one. We must be able to discern codes of the Spirit has He express Himself in simple formulas.

To witness your decision, God can us a third party. God have in several occasions use me as a witness to many people's right or wrong decision by His prophetic grace. (Lord, I thank you for this and never plan to make boost of this or to take it for granted). It can be anybody but not those who doesn't have relationship with the Father in whom all secrets things belonged. 

One of my fathers in the Faith, Bishop David O. Oyedepo defined wisdom in simple term.  Wisdom is knowing what to say and saying it, knowing what to do and doing it and knowing where to go and going there. That is wisdom. Wisdom for making the right decision. Men who made it right among many options are men of wisdom. This wisdom gives you ability to access the correct option among many. It helps you to separate the bad from the good. Wisdom for decision making is gained by constantly feeding on the word of God and applying it appropriately. 

We are scripturally aware that the vision is for an appointed time and in waiting, the roles of patient cannot be overemphasized, (Hab. 2:2-3). Yes, we must know the timing lease we should be discouraged as though we have made the wrong choice. 

It is very correct to simply say that, if you make a right decision, you will see, in return, a right result. Nothing will be lacking, nothing will be missing, nothing will be absent. All things shall be in place and you will have proofs. 

Best decision makes you best; brings you best people and into best company; takes you to best places and destinations and set before you best table. Enjoy God's grace as you pray into this formula. Like I use to say, we are not confused men, we know where we are going and where we are coming from, we have God's word for our lives, we are men of purpose!

Interpretations of Tongues- We cannot miss out in His plan, God is for us! We have Him! We have revelation for our lives! We are rightly positioned!

Femi A. Falade,
(Author, "Spiritual Formula for a Productive Life")

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