by Femi A. Falade
I write to you young believers because you have met the Lord. I write to you growing believers because you have attain some realms of the Spirit. I write to pastors because you are ministers of the Lord. I write to you friends and family in the faith because, you have an abode with the Lord and He has been your dwelling place in all ages.
Dearly, we were made to think Christian faith is geographically positioned in some places because of whatever reasons we were told, it is not so. We only desire more pleasure serving Christ and no pressure serving Christ. I have heard devoted believers including pastors saying that, in order to avoid religious violence, let everyone serve what they believe. Is this what Christ died for? Is this what Christ teaches? Is this what the heroes of faith defended? Is this what was handed down to us? We were even told that such self lost philosophy is the key to stop religious clashes which is prevalent in many countries of the world.
As though that was not enough, Christians especially those who find themselves in places that gratify men and promote honour unto men's status, keep their Jesus until they get back to their churches. What a Christian we are!
We do not want to offend others, so we leave them to perish under the power of sin and their unbelieving minds. We do not want to cause religious segregation and we permit destinies to perish without God. What else could be more worse than these tragedies?
Apostle Paul would not take it easy. He knew the terror of the Lord and he never took every opportunity he had for a joke:
Therefore, being conscious of fearing the Lord with respect and reverence, we seek to win people over [to persuade them]. 2Cor. 5:11a AMP.
Instead of registering the terror of God in our minds and persuade unbelievers to come to the well of salvation, we coined our own concept and call it religious segregation which was produced out of the fear of whatever reasons we give.
Dear believers, if our principle of the avoidance of religious segregation works, why do we still have threats from the dark world about our Father?
There is no time to rise and speak more than now. Lives and souls are perishing in hell every second and we fold our hands? We keep building churches to cities and fight over church members and yeah, there are lives, in their thousands in the valley of decision. They seek help to know Christ, to take covering for their lives, to find help on how to enjoy those benefits in Christ Jesus but no one to help.
Where are missionaries? Where are evangelists? Where are believers? Where is the faith we claim to have believed. Where do we drop our old rugged cross? The time to visit our neglected responsibility in seldom any other time but now. Let's engage the ancient wisdom the early apostle used and the turn their world unto God.
Are you ready?
Rugged greetings,
Femi A. Falade
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