A man's everyday living ought to be controlled by His maker. Also, his work on earth ought to be well done and supervised by Him, for He cares and listens everyday, every time and everything we have to say to Him. Isaiah 49:8
The bitterness of heart a serious man will have against himself is when he is doing the wrong thing at the right time and at the right location.
The times of our persecution describe the Christ-like love in us. Just like Christ, who do not count it as anything to be equal with God but came to the world to fulfill a major thing, which is to die for us to be alive to and in God, we must stay in gap.
The love of God, if won't be shed abroad in a man's heart can't make him withstand all the challenges, frustrations and circumstances that comes his ways for Christ's sake, though the challenges, frustrations and circumstances are actually a test of time that will fade away.
The love that makes a man stand sure still at His post for God must SURELY had broken him totally.
The apostles portrayed in all their actions the Christ-like love they had in them: as they preached, they were either criticized or persecuted but they all counted it for joy as to do the work of the Father.
The love that did not make a man to stand sure still for God no matter what comes his way isn't a Christ-like love. A man will never have a best friend if he won't do all to please Him even at His own detriment.
Sacrificial love is what keeps a man moving in God's ways and making Him obey all His will. Obedient is not just done if it won't be triggered by something. Students obeying their teachers depicts the love they have to be a better person individual in the society. A child obeying His parents depicts the love to get what He needs from His parents at the rightful time but a child of God obedience is triggered by the Holy Spirit which teaches us to do the right thing at the right time no matter what comes our way, bringing to fulfilment on earth the edification of the Church and glorification of the Father in Heaven.
Conclusively, the understanding of Christ-like love makes us to act more than the apostles. Apostle Paul who though knew the calamities that would befall him at Jerusalem still went ahead for God's work, what a great love and passion he had for the fulfilment of His work. This man's love for God reminded me one of our hymnal chorus: It pays to serve Jesus;
I love Him far better than in days of yore
I'll serve Him more truly than ever before,
I'll do as He bids me, whatever the cost,
I'll be a true soldier, I'll die at my post.
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