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GWM Missions and Evangelism

Delta Missions

Dealta missions are proposed for Ughele Local Government in Delta State. Training school are proposed for Udu in the same state. Delta missions is divine.

Akungba-Akoko Missions

Akungba-Akoko Missions is located in Adekunle Ajasin University. Currently, weekly meetings are held in the school with a several testimonies. The branch is proposed as one of the youth church of the ministry which focus on youth mission.
Akure Mission Training School

Akure mission training school is set to start by January 2019 at Akure. The purpose is to equip GWM missionary with the skills and information needed to evangelise the land we are being sent to. The training is targeted at as many who have called into the missions.

New Missions

Works are ongoing to reachout to many states and countries with the gospel of victory

 Abroad Missions

In progress....

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