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FEMI A. Falade

The days when bad news turn good are here, days we are expose to things that make us happy, cherished, feel loved and precious, special and "blissfully joyful". When we hear good news, our hearts jump up, our souls listen and our bodies change their countenances. Wow! When we hear bad news or news that carries "shocking" or "breaking news" we are down and say "again"? 

Interestingly too, our churches feed us with the goodness of bad news that we call good news. They tell us that we are not sinners yet we rot in our iniquities. They tell us to rejoice, God loves us the way we are yet we have not decided to follow Jesus. They say, we look good when we dress like postitude and tug in the streets. They tell us, God is about to bless us with a multi billion business when we are robbers of God. They make us happy and excite us so we go home thinking our sinful ways of lives do not count before God since our pastors said we are good the way we are.

Good news is any news that bring you to your true position in God, convict you of your sins and bring you into a holy living which is the will of God. Good news is not a news of excitement, but a good news brings godly sorrow unto repentance. News that bring men to their knells saying "what then should we do?" are the good news we saw in the Bible. When they gave the good news, men are broken in their sinful hearts and trembled at the word of God.

When we go to our churches today and they preach a message that make us check our stand in God or that rebuke us of our sins, we say, that message is boring. In response to these errors too, our pastors also started adulterating God's word thinking they are preserving their members without knowing that they are preparing them for hell.

Good news are not news of excitement that makes you jump up! Good news are news that make you do check up.

Good news are not news that make you laugh. Good news are news that make you cry for help to be a better person.

Good news are not news that make you happy. They are news that make you lively in the Spirit.

Good news are not news with sounds and noise but those that are filled with incens and power of God. 

Good news are not news that bring you closer to church.They are rather the news that bring you closer to God.

Good news are not news that make you look good physically and rough spiritually. They make you look good inside and outside. 

Good news are not news that make you love pastors for their prowess but that makes you love the God at work in them.

Sad enough, the world has turned upside down. What men called good news are bad news in the real sense and vice versa. So, as you go to church tomorrow, check if what you hear is a good or bad news.

Happy weekend

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