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Morisope E.O Ayeni

What makes the functional display of an iPhone different from that of an android phone is the operating system at work in each of them. It is the operating system in each of these phones that makes it function the way it does. As this is true about smart phones it's also true about every man. There are two kinds of human breed. Each breed has an operating system at work in him that determines his  disposition and  character. 

Adamic Operating System (AOS ) 

The first kind of human breed is natural breed with the inborn or innate adamic nature of sin. The adamic nature is the operating system in every natural man, someone who is not born again. The adamic operating system (AOS) is a sin program that runs the life of as many who have not gotten it destroyed in them, it stires up the motion of sin and spurs them to commit it. This is why some people cannot explain the reason why they commit sin and cannot help it. 

Sadly, sin is a nature in them and manifests itself in different dimensions as the opportunity comes, in form of fornication or adultery, fighting, cursing, obscenity, lust, lie, disobedience etc. Apart from these, this nature is an enabling environment for all other manners of work of the devil such as sickness or disease, affliction, failure, poverty etc. AOS is the ground on which Satan stands to torment a life. 

The devil is the originator or developer of AOS; this is why the scriptures says, "whosoever commits (makes a practice of) sin is of the devil" (1John 3:8). Sin has three acronyms meanings as follows :

S~simple I~instruction N~neglected; S~satan I~injected N~nature  and S~satan I~identification N~number. 

When man neglected God's instruction, he was injected with the satanic nature --AOS, and it became his identification number. A sinner is identified with the devil because of this. 

If you a carrier of AOS you know now the manner of person you are. Call upon Jesus Christ now to format the evil system and create in you SOS. 

Spiritual Operating system (SOS) 

The second breed of human kind is the spiritual breed -- the new creature man. This man is called a spiritual man because he has been born of the Spirit or a new-creature man because his spirit had been recreated. The man once had the AOS in him but has been destroyed when he believed and accepted Christ (became born again). This is why the scripture says, "...if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are past away..." (2Cor 5:17). The old things that are past away in this man is the AOS and its manifestations. He now has Spiritual Operating System  (SOS).

SOS is God's nature implanted in the born-again or new-creature man. God is the originator or the developer of SOS. According to Ephesians 4:24, SOS is created after God (that is, in the likeness and image of God) in righteousness and true holiness. He has the instinct nature and trait of God -- the DNA of God is in the new creature man. All things that pertain to life and godliness are embedded in him. 

As AOS stires up the motion of sin in the natural man, SOS stires up and control the new creature man to manifest the righteous and holy nature of God, and other dimensions of God in him, such as divine health, prosperity in all areas of life, dominion ,power and authority. All these are inbuilt with the SOS, though some dimensions (gifts of the spirit) of God are installed on this system in a believer later on later as the Developer decides (1 Cor 12:11).  

We shall examine how SOS manifests and dominates AOS in the second part  of this discourse. 

Remain blessed!

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