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FEMI A. Falade

Believers are not ordinary people. They are not people that walk in ignoramus. They are people who have the right to draw from the same source Jesus draws His wisdom and knowledge from. They are men who have the hidden knowledge of creation right from the beginning. 

How and where did Jesus acquire the acts of writing and reading? How did he get the educational qualification to interact with wise men in Luke 2:46-47? How did he understand the scriptures that He could expound to the two disciples who went to Emmaus, (Luke 24). How He read the volumes of books written about Him. He had no challenge interacting with both the educated and non-educated. He was always the standard in all things. 

Some believers hate schools thinking that academic activities are carnal especially when they face difficult courses or subjects that “turn their brain from book to brook”. I have once asserted that, the most difficult book to read and understand is the Holy Bible. At the time you thought you have read and understood it, another person come with another interpretation to what you have read and concluded that, this is what it means. 

Interestingly, both of you might be wrong and at other times both of you might be right. Yet, as you gain more insight, you see that, you are not really right. Very funny to know these believers who do not understand academic subjects and equations or certain other academic and educational subjects are “rhema breakers” in their Christian fellowships and churches. A friend told me yesterday of a prayer coordinator of a student fellowship in a renowned university in Southwest Nigeria who was given “advise to withdraw” after the third year because his CGPA was too low to continue. Believers who “vomit” fire are still found victims of academic failure. This ought not to be. This is ignorance in itself. 

We know those people who taught academic matter requires only reading and after they read they saw that “their readings were not read”. The same Holy Ghost who is at work in you, dear believer, also makes the different in that sphere of life. Academic matter originated from God. The bible told us it was through Jesus that the world of academic among others, was made, (See Heb. 1:2). Anything that we know in the academic field all sourced from the SOURCE of all sources- God.

There are many errors in what formed our academic curricular and they need to be debunked. The word (noun) “sin” was used to refer to unholy acts and that is why everybody call any action in such line a sin. If the word “good” is used to refer to the same unholy acts, we will still be calling it as such. The term good will be used to define such even up till today. 

The ancient, I found from scriptures that, I have more understanding than; than all my teachers. Put properly, I know more than the all my teachers put together. This is biblical. The reason is not farfetched. It is simply because i meditate in God’s testimonies according to the scriptures, (Ps. 119:99). What are the testimonies of God? It is simply the Spirit of prophecy, (see Rev. 19:10). The reviler of the deep and secret things; of things known and unknown; of things that have existed before and those whose existence is known to no man is the Holy Ghost. For example, if the Holy Ghost say a boy is a female, it shall be, even if the whole world doubt it! 

In understanding, verse 100 of the psalm we cited above told me that I understand more than the ancients, because I keep God’s precepts. God’s precepts mean God’s perception of things, that is the greatest perception that ever existed. So if I keep God’s precept, I automatically understand more than the ancient. There are deeper things in revelation these days than the days of old. 

If the ancient for example, propagate a theory in 1904, because I have more understanding than them by keeping to God’s precept, and I can bring in new theory that can swallow up the ancient’s view. So, what we know today, the ancient do not know. What we have today, the ancient do not have. We can write new curricular form academic. We can bring in new words into dictionary. We can bring in new theories about things that exist on the earth. We can bring new things into place. We can create another academic field of study. 

So, when I was in school, I was aware that I knew more than those who are teaching me and I can bring new ideas from God’s precepts. I did and it worked out well for me. Record setters in academics are not men who copy-and-paste what they were taught. They are those students who engage the Holy Ghost to do extra and put some new ideas, new things.

One of the challenges that made people fail in academics is when they study to the flesh. It is a general established fact that, study is not the same thing as reading. Those who read are less better compare to those who study. Yet, in study, the study must be done into the spirit of the studier and by the Spirit of the Author of all authors. That is what Eccl. 12:12 told us. It said, much study is wearisome to the flesh. 

The day our eyes were opened to the truth that the ancients only know little but we know more than little was the day we had a turnaround in our academic pursuits. I hope somebody is laying hold on this reality today and get ready for a turn around!

You can make it!
Love from my heart,

FEMI A. Falade

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