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A proverb once said that experience is the best teacher but I say that the Holy Ghost is the best teacher. We are aware that people learn from what happened in the past. Beloveth, that something happened in the past is not a guarantee that it would happen again.  God destroy the former world with flood of waters but it cannot happen again because God said it. Our wounds should not be the yardstick for our judgments in any matter that pertain to another person’s life. 

Life teaches us its own lesson, but the Holy Ghost teaches us a real truth about life. Many wounds that formed your judgements today, beloveth of God, are not from God but from the pains of what we suffered. Many people after suffering from a particular thing would not remember that the wounds should not formed a bad scale of measuring or handling next matters. The wounds you sustained in past years should not make you lose your relationships, your trust in God and your fellowship with the Holy Spirit. 

We must be tired of that kind of life that teaches experience of ‘if you know how bad it is to’. Such kind of life teaches us to be frank instead of bold, to be careless instead of being careful, to be wicked instead of being wired with compassion. They fuel us to lust instead of love. They create fake joy in us and left us with a bitter mind. Friends, the Spirit of the Prophet speaks to you that, go back to where God has positioned you and let the pains of the past be demolished. The bible told us to overcome evil with Good. I got the understanding that, “You only avoid any evil you don’t overcome with good” “you haven’t overcome it, if you have not changed it”

We have all echoed old things have passed away, yet, we carry bitter heart of the wounds someone has cost us. We pretend as though there is no more anger in us until the person surface and our heart bit. We would not go further if we keep the malice of the person we need to forgive and move ahead in our lives. A man that will hold a dog down would also not go anywhere, why not handover to the One who can revenge or re-correct the person that cost you the wound.

Pray and study bible portion that can take away your wound. Live above your wounds.  He broke your heart? You can love again. It cost you your home? You can get a glorious beginning. It made you lose your job or the contract? There is something better for you. It cost you a life? God can raise lives for you. It cost you your virginity? God can rebrand your life. It cost you delay in your pursuits? God can give you speed. It is time to free the person in your heart. 

I write, as I was instructed. If you are the right audience for this message, please don’t joke with it. Take a step. God has spoken to you. You can contact me for further counsel and help. 

Receive Grace!

God’s Servant,
Femi A. Falade  

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