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The Tight Tithers and Offense Offering Offerers

God's WrestlersSpiritual DoseThe month of September 2016. Tagged: September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition.
SSS 15 Thursday 15th, September 2016
Topic: Act of Spiritual Service 3
Sub- Topic: The Tight Tithers  and Offense Offering OfferersText: Luke 11:42

Many sermon on tithe and offering always have some element of greediness due to the urge and desire to expand the church by the preacher. The product of such sermon or charge is what is the sub-topic on our discussion table today. This is a crucial aspect of spiritual service but need serious caution in dealing with them. Many people have turn their pastors to money raiser when they refuse to obey simple biblical instruction, the pastor too in order to finance church expenses start money-raking stories. If you are among this category of pastors or people or you are having such intention, please repent. May God forgive us. Amen. I think we need to know the secret that we do not give tithe. Tithe is to be paid. It is a compulsory thing. It is a christian duty, when we don't, God says we are nothing but robbers: 
"Be­gin by be­ing hon­est. Do hon­est people rob God? But you rob me day af­ter day. "You ask, 'How have we robbed you?' "The tithe and the offering—that's how! And now you're under a curse—the whole lot of you—because you're robbing me. Bring your full tithe to the Temple treasury so there will be ample pro­vi­sions in my Temple. Mal.3:8-10 The MSG
Just like tax, when we fail to pay, we are criminals. 
Instead of obeying this define instruction to obtain the promise of abundant provisions, open heavens and multiplication of heavenly blessings, we invited devourer, we admit course, we block the links of supply. May God help us see this hidden matter. Can I tell you this, tithe is not pay to God, check your Bible, it is pay to obey God, it is paid to the house of God. God pays back your obedience and only act when your obedience is complete:
And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled. 2Cor. 10:6 
The devourers don't want your prosperity, God can only stop them when you obey to pay your tithe. 
The result of our disobedience brought about tight life for us and thus pay a tight tithe. If we keep obedience to God, we will be a bountiful tither. That is the mistake of the Pharisees: But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone. Luke 11:42
All things God require of us should be done including tithe. A tight tithe is paid out of sorrow, struggle, pains, unwillingness, etc. A tight tither is a person that pays his tithe out of disobedience and uncomfortably. Tithe should be paid from all increase not only on salary. One of the Pharisees whom Jesus talked about was real by his faithfulness to tithing all his possessions:
I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. Luke 18:12
Jesus latter listed the things the Pharisees paid tithe on. See Luke 11:42 again: tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs,...
Some greedy individuals have continue to agrue if tithing is biblical or it is old an testament doctrine of the priesthood, the truth is, tithe is ever relevant in God order of the church. The bible address it this way:
Or look at it this way: We pay our tithes to pri­ests who die, but Abraham paid tithes to a pri­est who, the Scrip­ture says, "lives." Ul­ti­mately you could even say that since Levi de­scended from Abraham, who paid tithes to Melchizedek, when we pay tithes to the pri­estly tribe of Levi they end up with Melchizedek. Heb. 7:8-10 The MSG
From this text, even the minister are expected to pay tithe. That is the reason behind many ministers' poverty, they don't pay their tithe nor the tithe of their ministry. May God deliver them. 
Offense Offering Offerers are people who see God as beggar and thus give as if God need their money. The truth is, we pay offering and tithe for our own good. It is offering time that you always look for the worse money and the lowest denomination in your pocket. May God forgive you. If you are to spend money at a wedding party, some people would deliberately go to banks to change new money. That is man, imagine what we do to God thinking the money is for the pastors. God want to see that heart that obeys Him not your offering. We must be cautioned here that the weight of our offering is not what matter to God but our heart. Hear Jesus comment about that woman: 
For all these have of their abundance cast in unto the offerings of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had. Luke 21:4
Giving your totality of heart is the correct offering approach. Offensive offerings are offering that are not from a pure heart. When the heart is holding grudges against another, unforgivingness, hared, malice, anger, etc. When those things miss with your offering, they make it  inpure.
Hear this: 
You cannot give anything to God without you giving yourself first. Remember Cain's case, the bible says to us very clearly that it was him God receive first before his offering. Are you receivable with those life you live? God say, come, wash, and be clean. Then come, see and give your offering and tithe. 
Lastly, please note the word of God again, tithe and offering are to be brought into the house of God not motherless home, or to a pastor. It is to the church. When you take it to somewhere else you have disobey. May God grant us grace to obey.

Tithing is good, offering is good, be good too.
Pay your tithe, give your offering and be forever blessed. 
Thank you for being blessed. 
Am blessed because you read.

Femi Falade
God's Wrestler

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