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The Principles of Receiving

The Principles of Receiving 

By Oghate Onorievuoghene Elohor 

We have read and heard many sermons on the principles of giving which compels us to give. Insight into the principles of Receiving is rare and very demanding.

In this illuminating article, Onorievuoghene exposes us to some heart-touching revelations about the principles of receiving like never before.

In the light of scriptures, there are certain principles we can engage in our quest to receive.

First- GIVING (John 3:16)
GOD gave his only son to receive us...,He gave what was dear to him to receive us.

It takes a man who has given to receive.

Second- BEING EMPTY: it takes a man who is empty to receive ...Jesus as a perfect example taught the people and He did so many things as a means of emptying himself. 

A man that is full to the brim cannot receive any other thing expect He empties himself... It's like playing a game, you can't go to the next level until you finish the level you are, when a man empties himself, it takes the man from the level He is to another. 

Third- THE RIGHT PLACE: (mark 6:46)
Jesus teaches us the right place to be after giving out what we have.we must be at the right place for us to receive from God. 
There is need to pray for us to be filled again...Jesus had to pray for him to receive and that brought about him walking upon the sea.vs 49.

As believers, even as we pray to receive, we should do well to give, for us to receive more.

This principles, if engaged, will leave us in a better level.

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