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“The First Person, First Stone” Revelation Part 1- Femi Falade

The Reason Behind The CROSS
Unveiling The Mystery of God’s Forgiveness
“The First Person, First Stone” Revelation

Femi Falade A.

Part One

The revelation of God’s forgiveness gives victory to dying souls and restores them from the condemnation of the devil and of fellow humans. The message of victory is what I am sent to preach to you in this article. That is the mandate. That is the life we are sent to give our world. I understand from the scripture that, the most efficacious weapon of breakthrough or victory is the TRUTH. It is important that I say this to you. The knowledge of the truth is not enough to procure your victory, it is the practical application of it that produces the desired result, (See John 8:32-33, Eph. 6:14).
This truth is what drives me daily. When this revelation of God’s forgiveness came to me afresh, I became very sorry for those who have suffered so much from this ignorance. i remember a day in Ibadan, a city in the present Oyo State Nigeria in 2013 when I had encounter with second Corinthians chapter four and verse one. That night, all the condemnation of the devil flee away over my neck for life. The scripture reads:
Therefore, since we do hold and engage in this ministry by the mercy of God [granting us favor, benefits, opportunities, and especially salvation], we do not get discouraged (spiritless and despondent with fear) or become faint with weariness and exhaustion. AMP
Many believers get easily discouraged. They lament that, I have been trying my best to stop this or that, but I just find myself in it again and again. They, in the process of time, give up and say “only God knows those who are His”. All of that is correct. I want to show you from that text and with a practical example from our Lord Jesus, among others what will illuminate your mind about God’s love. The ministry this scripture is referring to in the above verse is the ministry of life and of spirit in Christ Jesus. This is the ministry of Righteousness the scripture explained in 2Cor. 5:21. It is the ministry that is anti-condemnation in Rom. 8:1-2 and what the bible called the ministry of condemnation in 2Cor. 3:9 or of death in verse 7 of the same chapter. 
Those who operate the ministry of condemnation are condemned and are also condemner of others. 
I have once told a congregation that, anything (or person) that condemns you (a believer) is from the devil. The bible told us that there is therefore NOW, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1). It is now, it is not before. The ministry we have received is of Jesus. The ministry we receive as a result of God’s unmerited favour and mercy. This is the ministry of forgiveness of sins. 
Why do we lose heart when we fall into sin as believers? The answer is simply that we have configured our minds to think that, we can pay for our sins. We therefore, start thinking of all kinds of things. Some, if they have the intention to travel before that time, they will rather postpone it so that God’s anger will not cause them accident and all manner of things. These are lies from the pit of hell. That is the fear satan inflicted into many to make them run from Go. He knows that, if you run from God God will run from you and if you draw near to God will draw near to you. (See James 4:8)
Before you were saved, when you were God’s enemy and a child of wrath, God’s word told me that, God had loved you, (See Rom. 5:8-10, Eph. 2:1-2). Is it now that you are his son or daughter that your mistake will make Him hate you and desire death for you? Because, according to the meaning of the word sin which the English Biblical terms translated as "sin" or "syn" from the Biblical Greek and Jewish terms. It originates from words in the latter languages and it denotes the act or state of missing the mark; the original sense of New Testament Greek ἁμαρτία hamartia "sin", is failure, being in error, missing the mark, especially in spear throwing. Hebrew hata "sin" originates in archery and literally refers to missing the "gold" at the centre of a target, but hitting the target, i.e. error. So should your error of missing the mark make you a rejected person forever? God, please help our understanding.
There is no need to bother too much about our self-condemnation or that of our religious environments or of our heart. God’s word also told us that even if our heart condemns us, God is greater than it, (See I John 3:20, Rom 2:15). 
The mystery of first person, first stone will help us more on this.
This is what God reveal to me by His word in his gracious mercy. I saw in the book of John chapter eight, the practical explanation of the forgiveness of God in His unending mercy. It is simply saying notable fact such as, God seldom condemns. Jesus seldom condemns. God practice of forgiveness is “forgive and forget”. God want us to sin no more not because he will reject us, but so that we can grow into perfection in him and make ourselves true sons and daughters of God in demonstration. 
Please take your time to read the part two where the mystery is fully unfolded.
Be ever blessed.
Falade Femi  A.
A Minister of the Gospel of Victory.

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