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A Peep into the Past of the Future and the Future of the Past: My Burden as I celebrate my Birthday on Friday June 16.

A Peep into the Past of the Future and the Future of the Past: My Burden as I celebrate my Birthday on Friday June 16.

“I cannot wait to see the past of my future;
It is brighter than digital picture;
I look and behold it as in a mirror;
I have conceived it and its true nature;
I need no one to help me on how to measure;
As I press on, I shall overcome the pressure;
My mind is set on God of all creatures” 

The hymn above is my deep  outpour as I write this article with tears all over my face. 

I discover that, wisdom and time are husband and wife. I also saw from God’s word that, when we count times, we must apply the right application of wisdom to it simultaneously, (See Psalm 90:12). Wisdom is a supernatural insight to peep into the past of any man’s future. Foolishness is a natural urge to peep into the future of the past. Instead of checking into the past, I better look into the future because the future holds much for me.

The Apostle of grace in the Holy word of Faith told me of one thing that is important. It is not what I have achieved or not achieved, it is positioning my heart to forget the past and reach forward to the future, (See Phil. 3:13).

Oh God! Help me to press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus as I add a year. 

We all know that when life is good, death seems bad and when life is bad, death seem good. Have I lived to satisfaction? No! I have live to less satisfaction? Yes! Have I wasted my previous years? No, yet yes, in the days when we are outside Christ.

Why this exclamations? It is because, I have to move another step closer to my grave and farther from the womb. I am closer to destiny than before, I am not the same person in the context of aging. All well? What desire do I put in motion for my next phase of carrier? What are the costly mistakes I have made in the last days? What should I be expected to be called in the next years?  

A countdown of every 365days is a past that must not be remembered for reconsideration but for lessons. Water drops in my eyes when I remembered some ugly experiences I had in life. The days of helplessness and hopelessness are uncountable. Is it the day I eat disposable battery so as to poison myself when I was tired of this world that I should forget? Or the day I had a terrible accident that took angelic intervention for my restoration?  

No matter how bad or rugged my past looked like, the past has no dominion over me. I have decided to press forward. I might have laboured in the past, it does not determine my future. I might have no one, I have God, who is more than everyone. No matter what the past looked like, the future is brighter than that.

So, when you want to send your birthday wishes, remember to tell me my faults and where you would want me to be in the next 365 days. 

I know that one day, the past of my future will arrive at my door step and that time is the next thing you will hear about me.

Oh God! Give me an outstanding birthday testimony as I live for you alone, more and more!

Femi Adetola Michael Falade

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