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A Clarion Call Into the Social Media for All Christians, Part one By Femi A. Falade

A Clarion Call Into the Social Media for All Christians

Part one
By Femi A. Falade

Water drops in my eyes with a strange tongue when I found that there are people lacking in the crowd. How shall we have a crowded place like the social media and still raise a clarion call. Are there not Christians there? So sad, we have Christians in the social media but they have been brought under the power and influence that control the social media. 

God said: And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Ez. 22: 30

After this disappointment, I see a cloud of silence to the question God asked our generation of young men and women “Who shall we send who shall go for us?”. Why the quietness?

Dr. Alexander Duff an old missionary to India returned to Scotland in his last days and made a strong appeal to young people to volunteer their lives for India but no one responded. He appealed till he fainted and he was carried away. When he recovered and discovered he was at the hospital, he asked that he should be taken back. 

When Queen Victoria calls for volunteers for India, hundreds of voting men responded but when King Jesus calls, no one goes. He exclaimed!

When no one responded, he left with a conclusion that, if Scotland has no one to send to India, I will go back and lie in their stress and die there so that the people will know that there is still one person in Scotland that love them. As he left, the silence was broken at last as young men arose all over the congregation crying, I will go, I will go!

Why the quietness? Our audiences have been trapped by the forces operating in the social media. T. L Osborn said: We need to adjust this gospel for the modern society.

It will interest you to know that one of the defining phenomena of the present times reshaping the world is the worldwide accessibility to the internet. The lovechild of the World Wide Web is social media, which comes in many forms, including blogs, forums, business networks, photo-sharing platforms, social gaming, microblogs, chat apps, and social networks. 

The power of social networking is such that, the number of worldwide users is expected to reach some 2.95 billion by 2020, around a third of Earth’s entire population. Making the World Wide Web the most populated gathering ever existed in the history of mankind. 

Enlighten us O’ Lord lease we sleep the sleep of death. The media missionaries have slept in their businesses. Many of them have been caged by the funs of the social media. Who do we send again? Are there no Christian again who are “computer gurus” who can interrupt the corruption of the social media? Are there not people who can build up computer programmes that would restrict the demonic part of this social media? 

Every site you enter, you see a flash of pornography link drawing your attention and you say the end is not here? (I have once be a victim.) Men are traded in sexual sins for free in the name of chatting and social gamming. Destinies are washed and wasted and visionary men are sent to demonic jail by the time-consuming power of social media. Many people spent more of their lives on media than they spend on earth. Friends when shall we arise?

Do you know that Facebook is the no. 1 most active and most visited social website in the world. Yet, most of  the activities there are more than demonic.  WhatsApp has over 1.2 billion monthly active subscribers yet we cannot see the hands of media evangelists.

Where are Christian dramatists and not vain comedians and entertainers? Where are Christian writers and bloggers and not story tellers? Where are Christians designers and marketers and not demonic stylists and vain motivational talkers? God, we need help, we need urgent help. If you don’t help us now, our generation might be sold to this eternal demonic bondage forever. Heaven beacons, and God sought for men, but I found no one? No one?

To be continued……

Femi A. Falade

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