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Christmas: Christ-mass or Christ-mask? By Femi A. Falade, BBB.

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By Femi A. Falade, BBB.

I have seen people celebrating Christmas like their father's birthday; with a throw of party, drinking, smoking, with hip-up DJs and all manner of things that are not Christ related and strange to our new born King. Sometimes ago, I visited a friend who told me to meet him in his brothers' Christmas party where my eyes saw all manner. The question is, are we celebrating ourselves or Christ the King?

Please, help us fuel the campaign of "No Christ No Christmas", (NCNC). The Scripture told us (see Col. 2:17) that if the substance is not Christ, it is not worth calling a festival.

Christmas has been turn to Christmask by strange men. Men who celebrate Christmask are those who use Christ to cover their faces as a mask to spend their money to do, buy and propagate unholy things, throw a party; for get together and so on. Sir/ma, if you are found in such category, you are not celebrating Christmas with us. You are a stranger who don't show his face that people may see the real you, you need to repent now and seldom continue.

Christmas are supposed to be celebrated by Christ-masses and we call that "the celebration of Christ-mass". These are men who have accepted the works of Jesus, who in appreciation to God Who sent us Jesus, eat and drink in remembrance that He was born for us. Brethren, our aims must be truly divine and defined. 

Beloved Christ-mass, please know that Jesus' birth is a good news and not a bad one, (Luke 2:14). Please let take advantage of this day to tell someone about the Saviour of the world. Let us bring more masses to our Christmas and not follow the ways of the Christmasks whose end is a waste if they repent not. 

I, therefore, launch the campaign of "No Christ No Christmas" (NCNC). Follow the campaign and let bring more people to the Cross.

I with my own hand, Femi A. Falade, wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Advance. May it produce good tidings indeed unto us, amen.

With Unreserved Love,

Femi A. Falade, BBB.

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