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Acceptability Divine

God's Wrestlers Spiritual Dose The month of September 2016. Tagged: September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition. SSS 4 - Sunday 4th, September 2016 Topic: Prerequisites to Spiritual Service 2 Sub-Topic: Acceptability Divine Text: Is. 61:2 What criteria guarantees acceptance of ones sacrifice is the question of purposeful living and this is enhanced by certain factors. We shall focus more on the ability to prove God's acceptableness in all things. Jesus said He could proclaim that this year (any thing) is acceptable to God. Is. 61:2 On what measure did he base it?, who gave him the audacity to do so?, how are we so sure the yardstick is genuine?. Yes it is. The fact is that every believer has this ability to proclaim sure on God's behalf and for God. The truth is that there is an anointing for Divine Acceptance Identity. 1Jn. 2:20,27. Jesus has it. Well, before we see to that we must know again and again, that the vessel must be holy as we discuss in our SSS 4 (read from: ) and other prerequisites. The anointing for this comes from God himself. (Jn. 3:33-34) This is through the Spirit if the Living God. Act 10:38. Apart from this, you must also familiarise yourself with God's Word. You must know the truth. Again, you must also have a discerning spirit. All these among others help us to know the acceptable will of God as long as sacrifice is concerned and other things. We don't need this acceptable signals and ability for judgement anyway but for correction in righteousness and save us and our generation from wasteful sacrifice. We must then give ourselves to knowing God more and more to be able to know what he want. May we have grace to know what God accepts par time in Jesus name. You are blessed, yes, be it. Femi Falade God's Wrestler

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