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The New Man is not only a concept but a reality. Read only one verse of the bible 2Cor. 5:17 Therefore, If any man is in Christ; is ingrafted in Christ; is jointed with Christ; is united with d Messiah; becomes a Christian, he is a new creature; he is a brand new person inside, he is a new being; he is in a new world, old things has passed away; old things have come to an end; old things have disappeared; his old life has gone; old matters has gone; old, previous moral and spiritual is gone; old things have come to an end, behold; see; look; look at it!, all things have become new; all matter has become new; the new has come; they have truly become new; a new life has begun! (Edited: NKJV, Amp, LTB, GNT, Simple English Version, ISV, The Message, Simple Bible, NET, ASV, NIV) Live like a new Man! Trust ur day was wonderful? Rest well... Femi Falade

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