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Heavenational Intercessory Life

God's Wrestlers
Spiritual Dose
The month of September 2016. 
September For Spiritual Service (SSS 2016) Edition.

SSS 13 Tuesday 13th, September 2016

Topic: Act of Spiritual Service 1

Sub- Topic: Heavenational Intercessory Life

Text: Heb. 7:25

Heavenational as God ministers it to me today means the nationalization of heavenly Will on the earth. Heavenational Intercession is a kind of intercession that brings heaven's will down on earth. A very good example of such prayer is prayer my Our Lord Jesus Himself:  
let Your reign come, let Your desire be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matt. 6:10 TS1998
This is not supposed to be an action or a charge it is supposed to be a lifestyle. It was Jesus lifestyle. Jesus Christ ever live for this reality:
Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost those who come unto God by Him, [since He] ever lives to make intercession for them. Heb. 7:25 MKJV
This is the first ever act of spiritual service. We must live the totality of our life doing this. God loves intercessors, He can trust them with secret things because that know how to handle them. Are you aware that the best way to handle matter is in prayers? This is God's comment about Abraham: 
And the men rose up from there, and looked toward Sodom. And Abraham was going with them to bring them on the way. And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham the thing which I do,.. Gen. 18:16-17
Why did God said this about him. God knew him. He is one who knows how to command:
For I know him, that he will command his sons and his house after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment, that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him. :19.
God knew. He has tested him. Abraham is an intercessor. He is the kind of heavenational intercessor i am talking about. He knows how he stands before God to command obedience of his generation to God. So God had to tell him the secret plans about Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abraham did not started blowing a horn of complains like some of us do today. He did not fuel the fire like we do today. He did not gave a hiss and say what is my business? See what he did: 
And the men turned their faces away from there, and went toward Sodom. But Abraham still stood before the LORD. :22
Oh God, give us grace. Abraham would not make any complain. He has no problem with the message he heard from the messenger. He has no problem with the messenger like some of us would. The person that deliver that prophecy about the fall of your desired substance is in trouble if it were you. That was not the approach Abraham gave. The bible say, he did not stand only, he stood still before God and what he did he do next? Questioning? No.:
And Abraham drew near and said, Will You also destroy the righteous with the wicked? :23
Abraham, a man familiar with Gods word and his will. He knows that the righteous are God's and cannot be destroyed. I guess he has studied Proverb 10:30, 11:8 (before Solomon wrote it, remember the word of God is settled in heaven forever, whether yesterday, today or later. See Palms 119:89) The righteous shall never be moved; and the wicked shall not live in the earth.
The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked comes [in] his place. Prov. 10:30, 11:8 MKJV
Abraham then took God's word to God and started his intercession. We should learn from Abraham who still know the value of the word and intercession at age of about 100years. Some of us are very lazy, we say things like, "am busy I don't have that time" may God forgive us. 
Heavenationalization of intercessory prayers can be internal/specific or external/general. It is internal or specific when it focuses on souls of men and securing heaven for all men. It is external or general when it is to prepare the earth for God's dominant and good national atmosphere. Apostle Paul gave this to us on the general note: 
First of all, then, I exhort [that] supplications, prayers, intercessions, [and] giving of thanks be made for all men,
For kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 1Tim. 2:1-2
The first thing is for all men. All men for what? Thank God Paul answered the question in verse four: 
who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 
God wants all men to be saved not only that, but to come the His knowledge. That is internal and specific. I therefore launch Direct Kingdom Intercessory Prayer- D-KIP. 
I recommend, D-KIP for all Christians. May God help us. 
The external and general is compulsory for all. Whether you like it or not, when the situation of the state is bad, the effect will teach us to intercede. Should things like that be our motivation to intercede? No. God's word such as we have here should be. 
When we intercede for these souls, we have won their lives to God by 90%. We can be sure of God's blessings just like Abraham enjoyed. 

Please, let wait to intercede for the seven kinds of church we have in this world and the newly added one that make them eight altogether: 
1. The Loveless church
2. The persecuted church
3.  The Partial Faithful church
4. The compromising church
5. The Dead church
6. : The Promiscuous church
7. The Lukewarm Church.
And lastly, the newly added church 
8. The End Time Church.
God is recruiting intercessory agents just now. May you be found qualified. Lord, use me!

Femi Falade
God's Wrestler

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