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I AM HUNGRY, HELP ME! By Femi A. Falade

By Femi A. Falade 

Before you start pitying me, please take time to check who is hungry in me, why am hungry and the kind of hunger that attempts to kill me. Wait and ask, is this hunger alone or came with thirst? Then you can comment that I am a lazy man. Well, if I pray that this kind of hunger will not visit you please, don’t say amen. 

I have money enough that could feed me but this hunger cannot be fed with what money can buy. The kind of bread and water that can satisfy this hunger has no price. This hunger is for bread but not earthly made ones. This thirst is for water but not the ones bottled in any country of the world. This hunger is to dine but not with a lover from here but a Lover from there.

Ah! This hunger is for yarning but not vain one. This hunger is for more but not more of the things that can be seen but of the Unseen. This hunger is for the super yet not super-stars but supernatural. This hunger is not temporal but eternal. Yet, it cannot cause spiritual ulcer.

If you are not hungry, you are not living. It is the will of God to be spiritually hungry. The part of me that is hungry is not my stomach but my soul. Oh! That you will know that your soul is instrumental to showing your hunger to God.

Why this Hunger? I cannot figure it out! But this hunger is creating a desire in me. This hunger is humbling me like the people of Israelites in the wilderness. This hunger is keeping me in fellowship with my Maker. This hunger is activating my blessedness and is making me realise my present lack. I am hungry!

Don’t pity me, I will not die of this hunger. In the kingdom of God, hungry men are wealthy men. I am blessed when I am hungry for I shall be filled. When I am not hungry, I am dead and done. I must be hungry to keep my heart panting after God. It is my hunger that help me grow up spiritually. What I am not hungry for, I don’t deserve to feed on. 

This hunger has no end. The One who makes me hungry is able to feed my empty soul. I am empty Lord, fill me. Quench this thirst in my soul. Bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more. Yet, after you have fed me, keep me in hunger. After you have made rivers out of me, please keep me thirsty.

When you make me hungry, then I will follow hard after you. I will love you and kiss you. For you love is better than wine and your rhema is better than bread. I just want you at all cost, after you is you, before you is you, in you is you and outside you is you. 

I am still hungry! Who is joining this journey of eternal hunger? Replace me with yourself in the article and read again. 

Hungry Man, 
Femi A. Falade
Anticipate the Book, “10 HUNGER THAT KEEP YOU ALIVE TO GOD” by Femi A. Falade

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