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A man’s knowledge about someone or something is came mainly as a result of studying and asking questions from the closest or best of friends of the person. To the extent to which He can make his research is to the level of knowledge he will have about the person.

Likewise, to know the personality of the Trinity, there is A PERSON sent to us to reveal, teach us all things and also to lead us into all truths- THE HOLY SPIRIT. It doesn’t sound new but will do my best to make myself clear.

When a thing is being misused or abused its destruction is inevitable. A man’s life depends on what he does. The help of a man comes from the Lord (for those that know Him), but the help is there and yet, there is still clamor for help, what should be done?

The revelation of Jesus a man has without the revelation of Holy Spirit is mere knowledge and in fact, it is impossible. When a man is Born Again, the Holy Spirit is at work, when He studies the Word of God, He is also at work (though some don’t know), but there is much of His work for and in a man’s life than this. Lips professing through speaking in tongues is what some do. A believer’s knowledge without the Divine Wisdom is just BASIC facts. Believers' study Him in the Word of God but in most cases, they get no insights of who and what He is.

There is loss of great things because of the ignorance of Holy Spirit. He is more than a feeling as some take Him to be; He is a personality, i.e. a Person. Feeling connotes uncertainty but knowing connotes certainty. 

The word ‘I felt is Him’ is commonly used these days by Christians to address the Holy Spirit, (AM NOT SAYING IS WRONG). Holy Spirit wants us to know Him than just feeling Him. What a man feels is for a limited time but what He knows is everlasting.

Some regard Him as last of the Godhead, saying ‘He is less of importance to Christianity’, but I say that without Him there is no unction to function; connoting that as Christ is, so He is. The realities of the kingdom of God can only be held truth on earth when Holy Spirit is allowed to minister to us. Deeper dimensions and knowledge of God can best be known by deeper seekers of God.

The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. 2Cor 13:14 MSG

God has loved us by sending Jesus to die for us and after His death, giving us a great Friend, what a great and ever Loving Father!!!  

No man will ever say a fellow is his best and intimate friend and won’t know His background, His family members and other personal matters about Him. Likewise, the Holy Spirit is given to us as a Friend and even more than an earthly friends. Don’t just call Him your friend but act like He is One. In the process of your relationship with Him, so many things are changed in and about you and IN THERE, you lay hold on God’s promises for your life.

NOTE; The best a child of God can claim is the Holy Spirit, walk with Him He will work in you and work in Him to work God out.

ACTION; In whatever you do from today, treat The Holy Spirit as you will treat your ever loving and intimate best friend and see the results, but don’t forget it’s a gradual process.



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