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by Femi A. Falade 

Relevance is not a product of relativity but a product of spirituality.

I found out that, virtually all men had once experienced some kinds of fulfilment in life but while some remained relevance, some remained less relevance while others become irrelevant. 

To be relevance in time is not a dream business. It is a conscious sowing into the lives of others. Let me also say that, recognition does not come from the east or west, it comes when we are products of excellence in our chosen fields. God must first recognise us before we can think of men's recognition. 

Friends, if God doesn't recognise you, everyone who recognise you are shadows that will soon leave you. In fact, you are being recognised at your own risk.

The result of recognition of your strength and capacity births your recommendation in any sphere. See Dan. 5:11-17 for example, Daniel became relevance in more than four generations of the reign of kings in Babylon because of his capacity which he had been building since his early days. 

Recognition is not made in a day, it is a process that is processed over time.  

God’s order of relevance is associated with His works, move, words and acts. This gave birth to His recognition by many people as different personalities. And by standard, that is what guarantees His recommendations by all of us to others who have not met Him.

If you don't know what you know you will end up a nonentity. Many of us know what we literally mean by these terms but fail to wait to dig into understanding. Well, never forget that, those who seek recognition get demolition and when you seek to be recognised, you are only seeking to be idolised. 

If you are relevant in what you are doing, you will be recognised and when need comes, you will be recommended.
Never forget that for every high places, there is a high standard. Never dream of advancement if you are avoiding harassment because, advancement does not come from the east or north but from God and we must pay prices. 

Similarly, high positions require high demands. For example, you cannot bag the position of a senior lecturer in the university with just o’ level. Therefore, you must give yourself to what will make you relevant to be recognised.

To be continued....

Femi A. Falade

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